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E r i k a
Jake was wearing his joggers still and had his shirt in his hands. He also had some earbuds and his phone. He walked in and smiled at me.

E- I made you some waffles
J- Thank you baby

I smiled and he turned to Michael, looking him up and down.

E- Jake-
J- I know..
M- Hi I'm Michael..
J- I'm Jake

They shook hands and I could tell Michael was shocked at Jakes grip.

J- I'm going for a run, I need to think..
E- Ok, be back by 12
J- Ok

We pecked lips and he walked to the door..

J- I love you!
E- Love you too!

He left and I turned to Michael..

M- He's definitely strong
E- He's the captain of our schools football team
M- Really Rik-
E- He's amazing Michael.. something just happened last night and I can tell he's still a little- confused? Shaken up? I don't know..
M- What happened?
E- Um..-
M- You can tell me
E- I was walking home from the game-
M- He couldn't have driven-
E- He was still there, I ran out.. anyway, I was going home and it was raining and dark.. a van was following me, so I ran to his brother and his girlfriends house.. we then found out that Jake was still at school 30 minutes after we had called him.. he basically was laying on the middle of the field, bloody nose and cuts..
M- Thats What the bandaids were?
E- Yeah
M- Jeez
E- I know, I just hope he'll be ok..

J a k e
I wasn't actually going on a run.. well I kind of was. I was on my way, running, to Erika's old house, where her family lives. I ran up to the door and knocked, her mom answered..

A- Jake! Hello
J- Hi Angel

We hugged and she let me in..

A- How can I help?
J- I was wondering if I could talk with Dan and Jc?
A- Of course, you wait in the lounge, I'll go get them
J- Thanks *smiles*
A- No problem

I walked into the lounge, my heart racing like- fast ok!? I was taking deep breaths and that's when the door opened. Jc and Dan walked through.

Jc- Hey bro
D- Hi Jake
J- Hi, I just wanted to talk
D- Of course

They sat on the seats in front of me.. oh boy, here goes nothing..

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