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E r i k a
Jake looked at me confused..

J- What?
E- I would love to *smiles*

His face lit up and our heads came apart and he slid down the door, his hands on his cheeks and his jaw dropped in happiness. I giggled and he stood back up, kissing me. He then hugged me and jumped up, punching the air in excitement.

E- Ok ok! Come on, let's go crazy
J- Crazy? *smirks*
E- Yeah!
J- Hey!

We laughed and left the closet, Jakes hand on my waist. We decided to just skip the rest of the period and we went to my locker and sat down by it, just talking.

J- Apart from Blake, when when did you last have a boyfriend?
E- About, 3 years ago, how many girlfriends have you had? Apart from Alissa
J- Alissa was my first girlfriend
E- Aw, Blake was my second, but Blake and the other one just used me
J- Well, you know I won't, I truly like and care for you and I would do anything for you

I teared up at What Jake had just said. He hugged me tighter and rubbed my back.

J- Baby what's wrong?
E- Your just so nice to me *giggles* *sniff*

Jake chuckled and kissed my forehead. I rested the side of my head on his chest and we waited for everyone to come back out. When they did, Aldo and Rockthany came over.

An- What's going on here?

We looked at each other and laughed, then back at them. The boys were confused but Rocky and Lauren screamed in excitement. Me and Jake laughed again while the girls told the boys.

An- Damn Bro

We stood up and they bro hugged while the girls talked to me.

E- Can us three have like.. a serious talk?
L- Of course, go tell your man that we'll be.. wherever you want really
E- Ok *giggles*

I walked up to him and he smiled, putting his hands on my waist, and pulling me close.

E- Me and the girls are gonna go talk..
J- Are you ok?
E- Yeah, just want to talk with them
J- Ok, let me know where you guys are when you get there
E- Ok

We pecked lips and me and the girls walked away, while we were, I heard Jake shout.

J- Be safe!

I turned and smiled, continuing to walk with them. We eventually found a place that no one could come in or interrupt us..

L- So?
E- Ok so.. um I-

I was getting worried to be honest. I don't want to be the clingy boyfriend because I know the girls don't love that, but I'm just worried because of Blake. I saw him walk in and Erika still hadn't texted me.

J- She's still not texted me
Ad- She's fine bro, your stressing
An- It's just new girlfriend bug *chuckles* I promise, she's fine
Ad- Shes with Lauren and Rocky too, she's safe
J- She said she would text me though..
An- Shes probably so caught up in the moment of having fun, that she forgot

I thought about it and maybe they're right.. I need to distract myself..

His Girl | A Jerika StoryWhere stories live. Discover now