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We were walking to our car when Erika stopped me. She just hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. We stood there for at least 5 minutes and then we walked to my car and hopped in. I drove us back home and we walked in and Erika ran upstairs while I locked up. When I was done, I put the keys down and walked up too. I went into our room, closing the door behind me. I then looked up and Erika was dressed in her onesie smiling at me. I chuckled and I grabbed some joggers. I got them on and walked up to her. She was originally sitting with her legs in a basket, but I leant over her, causing me to be between her legs. We were smiling and I kissed her. She rolled us over so that we were on our sides and we pulled back. Erika dug her head right into my chest and I hugged her tight..

J- Good night fiancé
E- *giggles* Good night

I kissed her forehead and we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to someone knocking on our front door. Erika turned, her back to me. I moved so that I was on my back, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 6:34am. Who the fuck could be here at this time? Ugh. I kissed Erika and then stood up, rubbing my eyes as I walked out of our room. I walked downstairs and the knocking got louder.

J- Alright!

I opened the door and was faced with everyone.. and I mean everyone. Dan, Angel, my mom, her husband, my dad, Jc, Logan, Chloe, Anthony, Rocky, Lauren, Adam and another girl. She was holding Jc's hand so I'm assuming his girlfriend.

J- What the fuck are you guys doing here at 6 in the morning? *yawns* *rubs eyes*
L- Just let us in and we'll explain!
J- Ok ok! Jeez

They all walked in and I closed the door, before I followed them into the living room, Dan looked at me.

D- Lock it
J- Ok?

I locked it and I followed them all. They were in the kitchen, so I ran in and I sat on the counter.

J- So? What's going on?
G- There are shooters son..
J- What?
Jc- There's psychos running around with guns.. the swat team are around too trying to keep us all safe, but it's bad...

I heard a gun shot. I knew Erika would wake up from that. The shots were getting louder.

J- Go to the basement

They nodded and ran. I ran upstairs and I saw Erika crying and shaking. I grabbed her and we ran downstairs. As we were about to open the door to go down, a bullet came through the window, shattering the glass and hitting Erika. I covered her mouth so that she didn't scream. We quickly went down. I locked the door and went down the stairs. Erika was crying on my shoulder as blood dropped everywhere.

A- Baby-
J- Shhh

I jerked my head over. They followed. Basically I got a secret door installed when I was younger. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Anyway, we went in the room and I closed the door and pulled out the cable, making it impossible to get in, or out unless I plug in the cable again. There was bean bags and I looked at everyone.

J- Stay quiet, they can't get us in here.. *whispers*

That's when another gun shot.. except this time, I heard shouting..

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