Long coats..

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E r i k a
Me and Jake made it back home and we went straight to our bathroom. He picked me up and put me on the counter. I grabbed the first aid kit and I took out a wipe and I cleaned Jakes cuts and his nose. I was tearing up as I went and I put a little cream around his eye to stop the swelling. I put bandaids on his cuts and by this time a few tears had fallen. Jake looked me in the eye and kissed me. Our heads rested on each other's and he cupped my cheeks.

J- Let's get changed and chill out, ok?

I nodded and smiled. We went into our closet and I grabbed a pair of booty shorts and a bralette. I put that on and Jake was wearing joggers. We went over to the bed and got under the covers, cuddling up and we watched movies on Netflix. While we were laughing at one of the actors, the doorbell rang. We stood laughing and looked at each other. Jake pauses the movie and we got up, looking outside.

J- Who's car is that?
E- I don't know..

Jake kissed me and we interlocked fingers, walking downstairs. Jake took a deep breath and opened the door. We were faced with lots and lots of tall men. They were all wearing long black coats, black jeans and a black shirt. They had sunglasses on and black hats.

J- Can I help you?
?- Jake Paul and Erika Costell?
E- Yeah?
?- We need you to come with us
J- Where?
?- I cannot answer that Mr Paul
E- Can you at least tell us why we have to go to where ever?
?- It involves a certain individual.. that's all I am allowed to legally say

Me and Jake looked at each other and we nodded. We stepped out, still holding hands and they grabbed my arm and Jakes arm.

J- Ow

I looked at Jake and gave him the look to shut up. We were taken into the car and all the other men got into their cars. We were holding hands and Jake was rubbing little circles around my hand with his thumb. It calmed me down a little and I felt the car begin to move. The windows were tinted black so we couldn't see out of them. Jakes knee was bouncing up and down, so I put my hand on his leg and he stopped. About what felt like an hour later, the car stopped and the guy got out, then opening the door for us. I looked around. What the fuck? Where are we!? We were outside of a huuuuge building. There was so many armed guards standing around the outside, surrounding every wall and up to the door. Me and Jake were led in and we had to sign a piece of paper so we can't sue them. I thought it was kind of dodgy, not being able to sue them? Why would we have to? We did it anyway and then a guy came out. He looked like a doctor..

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