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E r i k a
We turned and everyone cheered. Logan let a few tears fall and ran up to Chloe and hugged her.. I was getting bad anxiety again. I looked at Jake and I was crying my heart out.. Everyone had went silent to see what Jake would say.. He walked up and looked at the shirt, the ultrasound picture and the test. He looked me in the eyes, his were full of tears..

J- You weren't on the pill..
E- *crying* .... I'm sorry..
J- Why?

I stopped crying and everyone was staring..

J- You know I love you, Yeah?

I nodded..

J- And I'll love our baby even more than I already do..

Everyone awed and Jake hugged me. My arms were right around his neck, my eyes hidden on his shoulder. After a while, everyone had calmed down and we got to hug everyone. I was hugging Pam when I saw Jake standing with my family..

P- He's fine honey..

I looked at Pam and she smiled at me, then looked at Jake..

J a k e
They all looked at me..

A- Congratulations
J- Thank you Angel.. *smiles*

She walked away and over to Erika and my mom. I then looked back at Jc and Dan..

J- I'm sorr-
Jc- Thank you
J- What?
Jc- My sister always wanted to be a mom, but with the guys she was with.. she thought she never would.. thank you
D- Truly Jake.. you've changed her life
J- Thank you guys for letting me.. I love her and I'll never stop.. I promise

They smiled and we hugged. We all had a little party and someone had ordered us a cake..

J- Who got the cake!?
A+P- We did!

Everyone laughed and I sat the cake down and grabbed 2 knifes. Logan and I stood behind our girls as they cut into the cake. Everyone cheered again and Erika looked up at me. I kissed her and she kissed back. She turned so that her body was facing me and she just hugged me. We all ate the cake and had a fun time talking about baby things. My mom, Angel and Chloe's mom were too excited. Everyone left, so me and Erika went upstairs after locking the doors and we went into the closet. I grabbed my joggers and Erika grabbed a shirt. I put my joggers on and I turned to see Erika in her panties and the shirt, her hair in a high ponytail. We walked over to the bed and got in. Erika lay on her back and I moved down with my arms around her belly..

E- There's not even a bump yet *giggles*
J- Still *smiles*

I talked to the baby, or, the blob at this point. Erika's hand was in my hair, getting her fingers knotted through. I kissed her stomach over and over again, then kissing up to her lips. She kissed back. We were both smiling throughout it, and we even began making out, still happy. Erika moved onto my lap and had her hands on the back of my head, still playing with my hair. My hands moved from her hips to her ass. We didn't have sex.. just a heated make out. Erika fell next to me and turned her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her and I put my hands on her belly.. too excited for our baby to come...

The End!
Sorry to end it on such a weird note but I want the rest to be a mystery! Will Erika be effected by Rocky again? Will Courtney come back? Will the baby be effected by everything that's happened to Erika!?

It's a mystery...

(Ok, should I do a sequel!? Let me know!)

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