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E r i k a
We had got dry and went up to my room. Jake put his joggers back on, leaving his shirt off and I put on what I usually wear to bed, as I am more comfortable now. I walked out, my arms around my stomach. I looked up at Jake, he smiled and opened his arms. I walked over and we cuddled up on my bed. I've never been closer to anyone before. My other boyfriends, like Blake, they would look at me and see a body to use. With Jake, I know he sees more than that from the way he acts. With Blake he was just nice to me, no nice gestures or anything, this is different for me, but I like it. I had my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. My eyes became heavier and I pretty much fell asleep straight away.

I woke up, Jake not here. I saw a piece of paper on my bedside table though. I grabbed that and I opened it.

Dear beautiful,
You fell asleep so I decided to leave because I needed to go home anyway, and also in case your mom didn't want me here on a school night. I'll see you at school though.
- Jake <3

I smiled and put the note back down. I got out of bed and I went and had a shower, then going into my closet and picking an outfit.

 I got out of bed and I went and had a shower, then going into my closet and picking an outfit

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(With chunky white shoes)

I wasn't 100% confident in this, but I had to learn, also Jake will make me feel better when I go to school. I let my hair down and I put a black scrunchie around my wrist. I swung my bag over my shoulder and I walked downstairs, grabbing my keys and my purse.

E- Bye mom!
A- Bye honey!

I walked out and got in my car, making my way to Starbucks. I got my coffee and I drove to school while sipping on that. When I arrived, Blake wasn't at the door, so I got out and walked in and to my locker. I then felt someone wrap their arm around my waist. I was expecting it to be Jake, but it wasn't, it was Blake of course. He forced me onto the lockers and he looked really mad, that's when I felt someone wrap their arm around me again. I looked up and saw Jake this time.

J- Hi babe
B- Babe?
J- Yeah, we're dating

Blake gave Jake a dirty look and he walked away. I hugged him and he hugged me back. The others came over and we explained what just happened. The bell rang and we were on our way when Jake lead me somewhere else.

E- What what the fuck!? *whispers*

He looked at me and shhhhed me, while smiling? He lead me into the janitors closet. He turned on the light and he came over to me and held me hands.

J- Ok, I'm sorry it's in here, but I just couldn't wait any longer..
E- Yeah?
J- So, our little moment yesterday, you said that you trusted me?
E- Mhm? *smiles*
J- Well *smiles* I was wondering if you were ready to be in a relationship? It's fine if your not and you want to take it slow, or you don't at all, that's fine-

Jake was talking too fast and was getting stressed out, so I kissed him. He kissed me back once he realised. We pulled back and our heads rested on each other's.

E- I would love to be your girlfriend

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