The beginning..

816 17 4

1 week later

J a k e
Rocky and Erika have finished throwing up, but Adam hasn't, so he's going to miss the game sadly, but we'll win for him. Me and Erika were matching. The football gear is red with white writing and Erika is wearing my red shirt and white biker shorts. We left for the game. Erika had my team jacket on, walking into the school. It was late, so it was also dark out. My arm was around Erika's waist and we split at the doors.

J- Walk out and look for Rocky ok?
E- Yeah
J- I love you
E- I love you too, good luck, I'll be cheering you on

We kissed and I ran into the changing rooms. I grabbed my kit and I got dressed. I walked out and the whole team was here..

E r i k a
I walked to the field and I looked around. I saw Rocky. She looked weird though. Whatever. I ran up and sat beside her.

E- Hey
R- Hi
E- You excited?
R- Yes
E- Ok? You ok?

She nodded. We didn't talk the whole time. That's when the whistle blew and I looked at the field. I saw Jake run out with the team behind him, he is the captain of course.

We were all cheering very loud. I saw him look over and at me and wink. I smiled and he got the team into their huddle. The other team came out and they did the same. After a minute or two, everyone got in their positions and the game began. One of the guys, Noah, started with the ball. He ran but got tackled, giving it to another guy, Cris. He ran but was swung around. The ball flew in the air and I saw someone grab it, I noticed it was Jake. He began sprinting for a touchdown. We were all screaming. He got it. We were cheering loudly. His team bro hugging him. It was amazing.

Half time began. It was a tie for both teams. I saw Jake running over and he motioned for me to come down. I got up and ran down the steps and up to him. He grabbed my face and kissed me.

E- Your doing amazing!
J- Thank you baby, how are you and Rocky?
E- Shes a little weird, but's is fine
J- Yeah, Anthony has said that she-

The whistle blew.

J- I've got to go, I love you
E- Love you too..

He ran off. Dammit, I want to know what he was going to say. I walked back up and sat down.

R- I heard that..

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