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E r i k a
We were all in the waiting room, everyone asleep apart from me. I was getting tired and my eyes began to shut, but that's when someone walked in. I looked up and it was Rocky. She looked me straight in the eyes. No emotion being shared. She pointed to her collarbone as she then pointed to me. I had a bad feeling. I looked down and there was blood seeping through. I looked up at her and she walked over. I was trying not to be as scared seen as the doctor should have helped her, but she grabbed me by my hoodie, picking me up and slamming me against the wall. I fell, holding my wound that had open from the stitches coming out or something. Rocky then bent down and I barely had any energy left. She looked me dead in the eye and that's when I felt as though my heart was being ripped out. I was screaming and she disappeared. It still hurt like hell. I saw everyone wake up and Jake rushes over, holding me.

E- Shes back.. *crying*
J- What did she do? *whispers*
E- She shoved me into the wall after she made my wound open and then she bent down and did something to it.. it just hurts so bad *crying*

Anthony ran over and bent down, looking at us..

An- Was this?-

I nodded while more tears fell. Jake picked me up and we had to leave. We said bye to everyone and immediately left. We got in the car and Jake drove us home, getting us food on the way. We arrived back and we went in, going up to our room and I took my leggings off, leaving me in just my hoodie. Jake changed into joggers and we cuddled up in bed after eating our food.

J- Let me see..

He lightly touched my bandage and I nodded. He undid it at the back and in wrapped it. I didn't want to look, I just looked at him. His jaw dropped when it came off..

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