The question..

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(Accidentally posted the wrong chapter so here's this one)
(This chapter is the one that was supposed to be before the swat team arrived)

1 week later

J a k e
Today's the day. I got the ring and I booked the location yesterday and everyone knows what they're going to do. I was laying next to Erika and it was 9am. We have to be there for 12 and I want to get food before so I turned to her and rubbed her arm and kissed her shoulder.

J- Morning Baby
E- Morning bubba

She turned and dug her head into my chest.

J- We're going out
E- When?
J- We've to be there for 12 but I want to go out to eat before
E- *sighs* Ok
J- You'll love it.. I promise

I smiled and we pecked lips. We got out of bed and went into the shower. We washed and then got out, going into the closet. I grabbed a shirt and jeans and I turned to see Erika with leggings and a hoodie.

J- No no no, it's more formal
E- What? Where are we going?
J- Just wait and see *smiles*

She looked through her stuff as I got ready and she grabbed a dress. She put that on and we went into the bathroom and did our hair and Erika did her makeup.

 She put that on and we went into the bathroom and did our hair and Erika did her makeup

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We went downstairs and walked out the door, getting in my car

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We went downstairs and walked out the door, getting in my car. We drove to a cafe and we got some food and a drink. It was 11:40, so we left and I drove us to the location. It was a big building and there was a little pathway. I had my hand on Erika's was and hers was around mine. We walked up and it was a huge tree. There was rose petals and a chair. I took my hand off her waist and she looked at me confused.

J- Go sit down *chuckles*

She walked over and sat down. I turned around and everyone came out. I looked back at Erika and she had tears in her eyes with her hands covering her mouth. I walked up to her and I took her hands, then getting on one knee. She cried harder. Everyone laughed a little and I rubbed her knee as I was tearing up too.. She looked back up at me, her mouth still covered.

J- Erika Michaelann Costel.. the love of my life.. the woman I want to be with forever.. the woman I want to carry my children and the woman I would love to marry..

She cried even harder. I let a few tears shed as I whispered to her. She calmed down and looked at me..

J- Erika, you are truly my Wonder Woman, the strongest person I know.. you always know how to make me smile and even when your going through a tough time, you are always capable of giving off a good energy.. ever since that day at your house when we told each other we liked one another... I was over the moon and already 10x happier and we weren't even dating yet
All- *chuckles/giggles*
J- When I imagined getting married, I knew that I would wait until I found the perfect person for me, I can safely say that wait is over because you are perfect.. I love you with every ounce of me and I will never stop telling you that.. You make me excited for the future and I can't wait to see what amazing adventures we go on and what amazing things we achieve together.. *pulls out the ring* This ring is a promise... It's my to you that I won't rest until you understand how much I love you.. I will move heaven and earth just to make you happy and I will spend my whole life doing so.. so, on that note.. Erika Michaelann Costell, will you make me that happiest man alive and become my wife?

She had to calm down for a second. I hugged her and everyone chuckled/giggled for a second.

J- So what'd you say?
E- *sniff* Yes *giggles* *crying*

I hugged her as she stood up. Everyone cheered around us and we cried. We pulled back and kissed. She hugged me tight and had her arms wrapped around my neck.

E- I love you so much *crying*
J- I love you *kisses forehead* *sniff*

We pulled back and walked up to everyone. I hugged Jc while Erika huge her mom and dad. We thanked everyone that congratulated us and everyone eventually left..

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