Field Nightmare..

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E r i k a
I looked at her confused..

E- What?

She turned to me with no expression..

R- You called me weird
E- Rocky I- your just not acting like how you were at the hospital or-

I had looked down so I looked back up and her eyes were dark. no emotion... black. I began heavily breathing.

E- This was an act?
R- Don't call me weird Erika..

Her voice was becoming strange. Deep and as though there was multiple people saying it, synchronised. She was very pale and her eyes looked dry. I was tearing up too, that's when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw her. She covered my eyes and then took her hand away a second later. I looked around. No one was here.. it was just Rocky. I looked on the field, tears running down my cheeks. I saw Jake. He was laying on the ground. Then I sensed someone lean near my shoulder..

R- No one loves you, your worthless, Jake hates when your being a cry baby, he hates your guts, you hear me? Jake hates your guts, no one likes you-

I squeezed my eyes and got up, running down to the wall, separating the field and the bleachers. Everyone was back to normal and lots of people ran over to me as I slid down the wall, crying and breathing heavily. I looked at Rocky and she was watching the game. That's when I heard someone shouting..


A few seconds later, I saw someone sprint through the gate, stopping them self. I looked up and saw Jake, he ran to me and grabbed me, hugging me tight. I cried harder on his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

J- Shhh, baby it's ok... calm down

He stood up, making me stand too. He walked onto the field and sat me on the subs bench and he kissed my forehead and ran to the coach, probably to ask to sub out. As he ran over, Rocky's words came back to me..

"Jake hates your guts"

I was crying in my hands when I saw the gate open. It was Rocky.

R- Have a look around Erika

That's what I did. It was no one but Rocky again. I got off the chair and fell to the ground. I couldn't take it anymore..

All- Go die.. (deep voice)

I screamed, crying my heart out. My eyes were squeezed shut and that's when I felt someone scoop my up, hugging my tight. I knew it was Jake, so I cried on his chest. I heard people asking Jake if I was ok, I'm pretty sure he ignored them because he didn't respond. He picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. He began walking and I heard lots of deep voices, bringing back everything that just happened, that's when I heard Jake talking.

J- Please coach..
Co- Jake-
J- I can't leave her over there.. she's clearly terrified-
Co- Of what, there's nothing to be scared of, that's really what you could come up with?

J a k e
That was a huuuge mistake.

J- My girlfriend is terrified ok? Yeah it may not be in the most persuading place to tell someone that she's scared, but she is.. so I can't leave her over there crying the whole time while everything's going on..

I slightly raised my voice. I could tell he was taken back.

Co- Jake-

Erika then moved herself from my embrace. It began raining a little. She looked up and had no emotion..

E- You do hate me..
J- What?
E- I'm the reason you can't finish your game..
J- No your not, it's-

She ran. I shouted for her to see if she would come back, but she didn't..

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