Taking her place..

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E r i k a
I woke up to the sound of talking downstairs. I listened closer, it was just my mom and my aunt. I got up and had a shower, then when I hopped out, I went into my closet and put on an outfit.

I flung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my phone, then walking downstairs and heading into the kitchen

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I flung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my phone, then walking downstairs and heading into the kitchen. My mom still doesn't know Jake was over last night, no one does. Anyway, my mom and my aunt looked over and smiled.

A- Morning honey
Jen- Morning sweetie
E- Morning mom, morning aunt Jen *smiles*

I grabbed my keys and my purse and I walked over to the door.

E- Bye!
Both- Bye Erika

I walked out and got in my car, jumping in and heading to Starbucks. I got an iced cappuccino and I drank that while making my way to school. When I arrived, I saw Blake standing at the entrance, fuck! I then saw Jake and the others walking up so I quickly texted him, he almost instantly replied.

Erika- Hey, I've just arrived at school and I saw Blake at the entrance and you guys walking up, so can you come over to my car in case..?..
Jake- Ofc, I'll be there in a second
Erika- Thanks x
Jake- Np x

I sat there and saw him walking up. I opened my door and hopped out as he ran over.

J- Hey
E- Hey

We hugged and walked in. Blake gave us a dirty look and we went to my locker and then to Jakes locker where the others were.

L- Hey Erika
E- Hi

We side hugged and so did me and Rocky, me and the boys said hi and I just stood next to Jake. I kept getting paranoid about Blake so I was looking at the front of the school, not realising everyone was trying to talk to me.

J- Erika?
E- Huh? Um, sorry, it's just-
J- It's fine

The bell rang and we went to class. I sat in my usual seat then I saw Jake come over and sit next to me.

J- Hey, I usually sit next to Alissa, but that's not happening
E- Yeah *slightly smiles*

Jake smiled at me and put his hand on my knee again. Chills. Butterflies. Blushing. All of it. Keep yourself together Erika! I got out my books and they teacher walked in and got us started with our lesson. I could tell Jake was stuck and I know sitting next to Alissa for all the time, would not have helped. I felt bad so I put my hand on his hand, he looked up at me with a slight smile.

E- How about you come over again after school and I help you out, you look stuck *slightly giggles* *whispers*
J- Yeah, ok, thanks *smiles* *whispers*
E- No problem *whispers*

For some reason I didn't take my hand off. I just continued doing my work.

We walked out of class and headed to the cafeteria. We sat down and it's the seats they always sit in, except I'm taking Alissas spot. I saw Jc, my brother, look over in confusion. He's on the football team, so he's pretty popular. I shook my head no at him, he smirked and came over though. I closed my eyes, dreading the next few minutes that are about to happen. Next thing I know, I feel 2 strong arms put all their weight on me and I fell, hurting my back. I quickly sat up while Jake and everyone else looked at me in confusion.

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