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E r i k a
I was balling my eyes out and I heard all the boys now shouting for me. I was trying to open the door and so were the boys, but it just wouldn't budge. Rocky came over and she had a knife.. just like the one from the hospital. She grabbed my arm and I was fighting to get away, she cut my arms and slightly even herself. I pushed her away and she fell, the door finally opened and I jumped into Jakes embrace. There was blood everywhere and I was crying like mad.

An- What the fuck!?

Me and Jake looked up at the boys..

An- What is wrong with you!? You could've killed her!

I realised Anthony was talking to me?


Anthony was enraged. He picked Rocky up and she was covered in blood.. not just any blood though.. my blood. Anthony took her downstairs and they left, Adam left to go see Lauren and I just cried and cried. I heard Jake silently crying too, making my cry harder. We went into the room and there was the knife, covered in blood, splashes and small pools of blood covered the floor. Jake and I went into the bathroom and he sat me up on the counter. He rested our heads together and began cleaning my cuts..

E- I think he did something to her..

He looked up at me confused and worried..

J- What?
E- Blake.. I think he did something to Rocky..
J- How? Baby tell me..

I could barely get the words out, but luckily Jake managed to understand.

E- When the door wouldn't open, it because I knew she was here and I saw her, but then I pushed her away and she fell, I opened the door.. I think she had the door closed, with- it was like her mind! I swear to god!-

Jake just hugged me as I cried harder and harder. He finished cleaning my wounds and he wrapped some bandages around them. I sat on the bed while he cleaned up the blood. I insisted on helping, but he needed me to rest because of the amount of blood I lost. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was knocked out cold.

J a k e
I finished cleaning the floor and I heard the doorbell. I can't leave Erika alone, and I know she wouldn't want me to, so I picked her up, not waking her and I went downstairs. I looked through the little hole and I saw Jc, Erika's mom, Erika's dad, my parents and Logan. Fuck! The doorbell kept ringing, waking Erika up.

E- Jake-
J- It's just our family
E- .. *deep breath* Ok..

We opened the door with smiles on our faces.

E+J- Hi
Jc- Where were you guys-
A- Jc!
Jc- I'm just asking *puts hands up*

They all come in and we go into the living room. Erika sat on my lap while everyone else sat down.

D- How are you guys?

We couldn't tell them what happened at all.. we just can't. I mean, if Erika wants to, then fine, but if she doesn't know or doesn't want to, then obviously no.

E- We're good

I rubbed her thigh, letting her know she's doing good because I knew she was still very shaken up about the whole situation. We talked and they asked where we were last night. We explained that Erika wasn't feeling well and she didn't want to be there when everyone was having fun. That she didn't want me to have to stay with her and be depressed with her because she knows that that's what I would do. Everyone laughed and we talked about other random things.

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