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I woke up, spooning Erika. She now would be normal but just in pain, no more loopy ness, but of course, she's still asleep. I just went on my phone and decided to order some postmates. I got some pancakes and avocado toast with bacon, hopefully that will cheer her up. She moved onto her other side and groaned in pain.

J- Lay flat baby

I kissed her head and she lay on her back, just turning her head to me. She looked me in the eyes and I could just see the pain. I kissed her and hugged her tight, making sure not to hurt her. I got out of bed and I walked over to her and picked her up. I took her downstairs and I lay her on the sofa, covering her with the blanket and giving her the remote to choose something to watch. I sat the end where her feet were and I waited on the food getting here. About 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang. I got up and walked over. I opened the door to the postmates guy with the food. He gave me it and said thanks. I walked into the kitchen and I could tell Erika was intrigued. I was putting some pancakes on her plate when I saw her head poke up.

J- *chuckles* I'll give you your food in a minute

She smiled and moved her head back down. I put the toast on the plate and the bacon. I grabbed some forks and knifes and I walked over to her.

J- If you need help, let me know

She nodded with a smile, god she's cute. We watched some movies and I ended up helping Erika cut her toast. She fell asleep almost straight away after it, so I kissed her forehead and I got up, walking upstairs. I had a quick shower and then I went into the closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and a sleeveless hoodie. I went and gelled my hair and then I walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen and I was making dinner because I had to make chicken which took quite a while, plus it was already 2pm. I looked up to check on Erika and she was looking at me with tears in her eyes. I ran over and sat in front of her, cupping her face..

J- Baby what's wrong?
E- Are you leaving?..
J- No, no of course not

I hugged her, not hurting her collarbone though. We pulled back and I wiped her tears from her cheeks. He kissed her and she smiled.

J- You ok now?

She nodded, sniffing and wiping the rest of her tears. I smiled and kissed her head, walking back into the kitchen. I finished making the chicken and I was about to start on the next few things when there was a knock on the door, long and quick.

J- Alright! I'm coming! Jeez

Erika giggled and I smiled, grabbing the door handle to be faced with Lauren..

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