I like it..

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E r i k a
Jake looked at me.. worried almost.

Jc- Soooo, hanging out with the dip shits I see

They all looked up at him while I got back up on my chair. I looked up too and he had an evil smirk on his face.

Jc- None of you talk?
An- Leave us alone dude, what did we do to you?
Jc- It's not what you did me me my man-
E- Jc, stop!
Jc- It's what you did to my sister
E- Jc!

I pushed him and got up, walking out of there. I ran to my locker and I slid down it, bringing my knees up to my chest and crying. I heard running, so I looked up a little, and saw everyone running over to me. They all crouched down in front of me and I removed my arms.

E- You guys did nothing, I swear.. it's just Jc's being a dick as always..

They all hugged me by laying on top of me. We were all laughing our heads off, that's when I saw Jake walking up, confused and out of it.

E- Jake?

We all looked over and he had tears in his eyes. We ran up and surround him..

An- Bro are you-

He looked and me and hugged me tight. His grip wasn't loose at all, but as tight as it was, it was nice. I hugged him back and I heard footsteps fading. I looked up and they had all walked away. I looked down and Anthony gave me a smile, then turning back around.

E- Jake..

I was rubbing his shoulder, just beside his neck.

J- Please tell me I didn't cause you any trouble..
E- No, you didn't, I already told the others.. ok?

He just stayed hugging me. In that one position.

We left school early and we drove to mine. Jake got driven by Anthony today, so I drove him. During the car ride, Jakes hand was on my thigh, rubbing little circles. We made it to mine and we got out and held hands as we walked up to the door and up to my room. We lay on my bed, facing each other and we just laughed. While Jake was talking to me, I realised me and Jake were the only single ones in our group. Anthony and Rocky are together and Lauren and Adam are together. I do really like Jake, but I don't know seen as everything that's happened before. He is completely different though. He doesn't rush things, trying to get my attention and what not, he doesn't like all the other girls, he was in a dedicated relationship where he got hurt and-

J- Erika!? You ok?
E- Hm? Oh uh yeah

He smiled and we continued talking. I helped him out with school and then we went downstairs. I kinda wanted to go in the pool, but I had all my bruises from Blake..

J- You have a pool?
E- Yeah, we can go in?
J- Sure *smiles*

We head back upstairs and I gave Jake a pair of Jc's old ones. I got into my closet and I grab the most coverable swimsuit I had, but that wasn't easy seen as I really only wear revealing ones because they were the only ones Blake and my other ex would let me wear.

 I got into my closet and I grab the most coverable swimsuit I had, but that wasn't easy seen as I really only wear revealing ones because they were the only ones Blake and my other ex would let me wear

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I grabbed 2 towels and I let my hair down. I walked out and Jake looked so hot, fuck my life. His abs were showing and he had a strong v-line. His abs looked rock hard and he looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and we walked downstairs. We went outside and I sat down on the sun loungers.

E- Um, I'll probably have scars and bruises from the past-
J- It's fine *smiles*

He took my hand and I stood up, the towels dropping from my bruised body.

J- See, beautiful

I looked up at him with a smile. He's the only guy that's ever called my beautiful before. We walked over to the pool and we jumped. I swam to the top and so did Jake.

E- It's so cold!

He just laughed and we swam around. While I was swimming past the wall, Jake began swiping up.

J- I'm coming for you *laughing*
E- No! *laughs*

I swam away with Jake chasing me. He's to quick. He grabbed my legs and I turned around and he pulled me towards him. We were laughing our heads off as my arms were around his neck and my feet had touched the bottom. He looked down at me and our faces were pretty close. He looked confused. He sighed and rested our heads together.

J- I would've kissed you there..

My grip got tighter around his neck.

J- But I didn't want you to think I was rushing into things.. like, I mean for liking you and what-
E- You like me?
J- Yeah, how could I not? *laughs*

I immediately kissed him. He kissed back. I felt like there were fireworks and explosions around us, like we were the only thing that mattered. We pulled back and we were panting slightly. I put my head on his chest.

E- I like you too.. and I trust you..

His grip around my back increased. It was nice, just standing in the water, hugging and listening to his heart beat. I liked that.

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