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I couldn't believe what I saw..

J- It's healed.. there's just a scar
E- What!? No way

She stood up and went and looked in the mirror, that's when we looked at each other, realising..

E+J- Rocky..
J- She helped you..
E- He really did help her..
J- But in a weird way..

She cleaned around it and put her hoodie back on, getting into bed with me. We lay there, in shock, but also thankful. The last thing I remember, I had fallen asleep.

I woke up to Erika shouting at me.

E- Jake!
J- Whaaaaat?
E- We have school!
J- Ugh

I got up and I had a shower, Erika had already had hers, I walked into the closet and she was doing her shoe laces. She was wearing denim shorts and a crop top.

J- Wow

She looked up at me and slightly smiled, then going back to her shoes. I smiled and grabbed a pair of joggers and a shirt, throwing that on. I went and did my hair, then getting my shoes on. Me and Erika ran downstairs and grabbed our things, running out the door. We got in my car and I drove us to school, speeding there so that we don't miss second period as we had already missed first. We pulled up in the parking lot and jumped out. I grabbed her hand and we ran in, running to our lockers and grabbing what we needed. We ran to class, only just missing the teacher walking in.

Mr- Well well Well, mr Paul and ms Costell, where have you guys been for the last week and why are you late?

Everyone was obviously staring at me..

E- It's none of your business
J- Ok come on

I led her past the tables to our seats, we sat down and got our stuff out, focusing on what we had to do.

Half way through the class, someone knocked on the door. The teacher went up and opened it.

Mr- You guys late too, great *sarcastic*

Rocky and Anthony walked in. Erika's knee started to bounce so I put my hand on it, she looked at me and mouthed to her "it's ok" she nodded and then went back to her work. After class, we all ran out, being the obnoxious teenagers that we are and we went to the bleachers to have lunch and talk. Lauren was obviously not in school because she is with Adam, but me, Erika, Anthony and Rocky are going to talk. Me and Erika headed to the bleachers and saw them sitting under them. Erika took a deep breath and we walked over..

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