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E r i k a
The car stopped and he got out, opening the doors for us. There it was. We said thanks and ran in. We were expecting there to be no one here, but in fact our families and Adam and Lauren were. They began shouting at us. I saw Jc shouting at Jake, he was mad. My parents shouting at me, Jakes parents shouting Adam and Lauren shouting, worried about us.


Everyone went silent. I had tears building up in my eyes..

E- Shut up.. *crying*

I ran upstairs and into our room. I closed the door and ran to the bed, closing my eyes and immediately falling asleep..

J a k e
I rubbed my face and looked at them all.. they all looked mad, apart from Lauren and Adam.. they were worried. I shook my head and ran upstairs, into our room. I saw Erika passed out in bed. I went into our closet and I grabbed a pair of joggers, putting them on and walking over to the bed. I got under the covers and I hugged Erika from behind, she was out cold. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately..

I woke up to the shower running. I got up and walked in, taking my joggers off and stepping in. I hugged Erika from the back and she held my hands with one hand and did her skin care with the other. When she finished, she turned around and hugged me, that's all we could do and wanted to do. When we were clean, we got out and grabbed towels, wrapping them around us. We went into the closet and picked out our clothes. I grabbed joggers and a hoodie, Erika grabbed one of my shirts and biker shorts. We got dressed and then Erika put her hair in a messy bun, I just helped mine. We went downstairs and saw everyone passed out.

E- They really slept over?

I took her hand and led her to the kitchen. I sat her on the counter and I grabbed some cereal because that's all we had. I put that in two bowls and then added milk. I put in our spoons and I gave her hers. We were eating when there was a loud knock on the door. We looked at each other and I sat my bowl down, walking over. I looked through the keyhole and it was that doctor guy. What!?

I opened the door, only slightly.

Dr- Hello, mr Paul
J- Yeah Hey *whispers*
Dr- Why are you whispering? *whispers*
J- Family and friends are asleep in the next room
Dr- Ah, well, you left this *whispers*

He handed me my AP watch. Holy shit.

J- Thank you so much *whispers*
Dr- No problem, it's a good one, keep it safe
J- Yeah
Dr- Bye mr Paul
J- Bye Doctor

I closed the door and Erika walked over.

E- Was that?- *whispers*
J- Yeah *whispers*
E- Why was he here? *whispers*
J- I uh, I left this *whispers*

I was putting it on and I showed her.

E- Jake! *whispers*
J- I'm sorry! *whispers*

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, leading me back to the kitchen. We finished eating and everyone was beginning to wake up. So we walked upstairs and sat on the bed, cuddled up, just talking.


We looked at each other..

J+E- Fuck..

We stood up and interlocked fingers, slowly walking down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone was sat down, our parents looking angry, disappointed. Jc and Logan looked furious, more at me than Erika. Lauren and Adam still just looked worried, more Lauren.

E- Yeah?..
P- Sit your asses down
J- Ma-
P- Now..

We sat down on the chair, Erika sitting next to me.

Jc- Ok, Let's start off simple, what was that was wrong with Erika, Jake?
E- You told him?..

I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes..

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