Early bird..

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My alarm went off, blasting music in my ear. I got up and ran into my closet. I skipped a shower this morning. I put on a hoodie, joggers and I didn't even bother doing my hair. That's a first for me. I put my shoes on and I grabbed a blanket for Erika, it is her favourite one. I ran downstairs and I grabbed my keys and my wallet, then I ran outside and into my car. I pulled out of the driveway and I speeded to Starbucks. I got Erika's favourite drink and a muffin for her, then I speeded to the hospital. 5:57. Great, I'm on time. I ran in and waited in the waiting room until it was 5:59, so only a minute or so. I then got up and made my way to Erika's room.

Dr- Sir you can't come in
J- It's 6, so I can

He rolled his eyes and I walked in. Erika was asleep, but when I walked over, she woke up.

E- Jake
J- Hey Baby

I kissed her and we pulled back. I gave her the drink and muffin, then I covered her with the blanket.

E- What time is it?
J- It's 6
E- You came straight away?
J- I had to

She smiled and we were holding hands the whole time.

E- How did you sleep?
J- Horrible, what about you?
E- How did you sleep horrible?
J- I woke up at 3 and went downstairs, there was weird noises so I went back up and fell asleep again, but mostly because you weren't there.. I couldn't hug you
E- I was the same..

I rubbed a circle on her hand with my thumb, then Anthony and Lauren walked in.

An- Oh Hey Jake
J- Hey guys
L- When did you get here?
J- 5:57 but I came in to see Erika at 6
An- Holy shit
J- What?
An- It's 9:30
J- Time flies when your having fun I guess *smiles*

They sat down too and we talked alone with each other and then we all talked about random shit together.

L- I'm excited for the football game
Ad- *sighs*
L- I'm sorry babe
Ad- It's fine, I'll still cheer you two on
J- Thanks bro
An- We'll take that W for you

We all laughed and Erika squeezed my hand. I looked at her and she was tearing up. I moved my chair and I put my arm beside her head so that no one saw her. I lowered my face and she whispered to me..

E- I love you..
J- I love you baby..

I put my head on hers and I wiped her tears. We were looking into each other's eyes when a doctor walked in..

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