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1 week later

E r i k a
My wound is better now. I just have a limp. My childhood best friends from middle school, Courtney and Shannon came to visit, so them, my mom, Lauren, Chloe and Jakes mom are all going shopping for my wedding dress. They will all be my bridesmaids, except the moms. Rocky will be coming, but she has been told she is not allowed near me. I hate that, that has to be a rule at my wedding for her, but I don't want anything to happen. We all left the house while Jake and the boys stayed back at the house. We made it to the shop and we walked in and a lady came over and welcomed us, taking us over to some seats..

?- Hello! So my name is Mary and I will be helping you today! So, who is the bride to be?

Everyone cheered for me and she took my hand and stood me up. I was wearing a summery dress already, so she smiled, knowing what I would look like in a dress.

M- Your beautiful, I have to say
E- Thank you *smiles*
M- Ok! So what are you looking for?
E- I'm looking for a dress that would fit my body and I want a tail at the back
M- Ooo, I love it, let me get looking, white I'm guessing?
E- Yes
M- Great, I'll be back soon
E- Thank you

She walked away and started looking through some dressed. I talked with everyone and Shannon and Courtney couldn't believe I was getting married. They haven't met Jake yet, so that'll be the first thing that happens when we get home, I'll introduce them to him. After a while, Mary came back.

M- Great news! I found quite I few that I think you'll like

Everyone cheered. I giggled and she said to follow her into the dressing room. There were quite a few so I started with the first one and walked out..

 There were quite a few so I started with the first one and walked out

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My mom was tearing up and everyone else looked at me smiling..

P- Erika honey, you look gorgeous
E- Thank you Pam *smiles*
S- Jake sure is lucky

We all giggled and I looked in the mirror. I smiled. I liked it, but I'm not sure it's the one. I went and tried on another..

Everyone's reactions were the same

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Everyone's reactions were the same. I tried one one more..

I walked out and everyone's jaw dropped

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I walked out and everyone's jaw dropped. The workers clapped for me. I smiled and I looked in the mirror. I smiled bigger than from the other two..

E- I think this is the one *tears up*

Everyone awed and hugged me. I went and changed back into my summer dress that I had on before and we went up to the cash register. It was just under my budget. We bought the dress and I walked out a happy soon to be bride..

Sorry for the boring chapter, I'll upload an extra one 🥰

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