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So, I managed to distract myself from the situation of Erika not texting me. I was playing football out on the field when I heard a scream, bloody murder. I turned around and I saw Erika in tears and covered in blood. I sprinted over to her and I pulled her into my embrace as she cried her eyes out. She collapsed in my arms and I wondered why Rocky and Lauren weren't here.

J- Baby calm down for me.. *tears up*

I saw Adam, Anthony and a few other guys run over.

Ad- Where is Rocky and Lauren!?
J- One second!

I looked back at Erika and I rubbed her cheek, trying to get her to calm down.

J- Baby, where are the other girls?

She looked up at me. I saw terror, fear and pain in her eyes.

E- Blake *crying*
J- *turns back to the boys* Let's go
E- Jake-
J- I'm staying with you, the others will get the girls ok? They'll be fine
J- *turns back to the boys* Noah, Cris, Martin, we'll need you too
An- Jake What the fuck!?
J- Come on!

I picked Erika up and we began sprinting to the school. There was a weird energy I have to say..

J- Where were you 3?
E- The janitors closet..
J- What one Baby?
E- The one next to the one we were in this morning..

We ran to it and there was blood everywhere. Anthony and Adam were crying, that's when we heard a scream again, bloody murder, just like Erika's.

An- ROCK!?

We ran to where the screams came from, the cafeteria. There they were, in the middle of the room, tied up. They were stripped to their underwear and had wounds everywhere. The boys screamed and ran up, grabbing the girls in their arms. Noah, Cris and Martin all ran back to the field and notified the coach. We all ran to my car and got in. I speeded to the hospital and we ran in. People saw us and immediately started freaking out. Doctors rushed over with beds and the boys laid the girls down, kissing their bloody foreheads. Me, Erika, Anthony and Adam were told to go to the waiting rooms and wait there. Erika hugged the boys and said sorry. She wanted to talk to me, so we walked just outside of the room I was getting a little scared, will she break up with me?..

E- I tried my best..
J- What do you mean?
E- I tried my best to help them, I grabbed the knife and I jumped on his back but he pushed me off every time.. I couldn't do it-

She was in tears, balling her eyes out. I pulled her into my embrace and she let it all out as I rubbed her back, also letting a tear or two fall, wishing none of this ever happened. I just wish I was happy with Erika and the squad.. that Blake wasn't even here..

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