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Seungwoo and I has been fake dating for three months now and today is the day he's going to left for abroad

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Seungwoo and I has been fake dating for three months now and today is the day he's going to left for abroad. Even we're just going to be apart for one week, I couldn't help but to feel sad and lonely. Awful, but at least I get to see him before he leaves. I needed to see him.

When we first started seeing each other, he'd informed me that he's going to be very busy and working abroad for months or more. We have gotten so close that I am afraid of losing him. I had hope that he would want to move the relationship forward but it's impossible. It'd never be able to worked if he didn't want me as much as I did.

"I'm leaving today." He said quietly into the phone.

"I know." I murmured. "I'll come to your dorm and help you pack."

"Okay." He said and gave me his address.

Before I went to his dorm, I stopped by Subway to bought some sandwiches and cookies as this was my first time going to his dorm. As I walked out from Subway after buying the foods, I'd noticed that there's a pharmacy opposite. I suddenly recall, how Seungwoo would always tell me he'd strain his legs and knee and sometimes got muscle cramps due to the excessive dance practicing. Every time I told him to be careful he would say, "I'm fine. Don't worry." I went inside the pharmacy and looked for an ointment and the knee brace to ease his pain.

I showed up at his dorm ten minutes later. The door swung open to reveal Hangyul's perfect face, eyebrows shooting up in surprise as he registered my presence.

"Seungwoo's girlfriend? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit you." I said quietly, suddenly regretting the impulsiveness of my decision.

He blinked at me for a while before stepping aside. "Come in. Make yourself comfortable."

I stood there awkwardly for a moment before I entered deeper into their dorm. Shit, I'm so nervous. "Hangyul." I called as I gave him the plastics full of foods to him. "I bought some foods for you."

Hangyul lets out an impish little grin. "Wow. Thank you so much!"

I smiled. I briefly considered just turning around and went back to my house before Hangyul take my hand and led me to Seungwoo's room.

"Seungwoo." Hangyul knocked on the door while opening it. "Your girlfriend is here."

I peeked my head out from behind Hangyul. "Hi." I gave him a tiny smile.

"Hi." He smiled back.

Hangyul grinned at the pair of us and left us alone. He closed the door behind us. I was nervous as hell. This is my first time in his room. Even though my mom had lectured me so many times that I would never be allowed to go to any boys' house and went inside their room with the door closed. But with him, I wanted more than I did.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment until I stepped over to him. I placed my hands around his waist.

"Hey." He breathed, bending his head down and gaze into my eyes. "You came."

I pulled his body closer to mine and hugged him. My breath caught in my throat as he slipped his hands around my back and hugged me back. He was so tall that I felt so secure when we hugged. We'd never been so closed like this before, except the day when we kissed at the hotel lobby. 

I glanced up at him in surprise, but he ignored it. I could feel a blush heating up my face as he threaded his fingers through my hair and tighten the hug. My heart pounded against my chest as I caught the scent of his perfume. God, he smelled so good. Like peaches. What had he been wearing?

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I pulled away and he rested his forehead against mine, breathing calmly.

"I wanted to do that just once." I whispered.

"Only once?" He tilted his head and his eyes met mine. "You can always do that anytime you want."

"I wish you didn't have to go."

"I'll be back." He promised me. He reached up and stroked my hair.

I didn't respond, just sighed and closed my eyes, wishing this moment would never end. Was he being this affectionate because he felt sorry for me or he really wanted to do that?

"I don't want you to leave." I said in a small voice. I snuggled closer against his chest.

"You gonna miss me?" He stroked my hair as I closed my eyes and let out a soft sigh.

"You should pack." I whispered after some time. I didn't want him to let me go.

"Can I pack you? Wanna come with me? I could take you around the world." He hugged me tightly to him.

"Sure." I giggled. "Can I stay in your dorm with you? I've always wanted to live in a house full of angels."

"No." He muttered sullenly. "You can stay in the studio. I'll keep a little pile of blankets in the corner for you. You can keep me company when I practice all day and night."

"You have a cool job." I said softly.

"It has its ups and downs." He pulled my face up so that he could see me clearly. "Leaving you alone is definitely one of its disadvantages."

I reached up and brushed his hair out of his face. I liked him a lot. He bent down and rested his forehead against mine. His warm breath fanned out over my face. He smelled so sweet. I didn't want to forget a single moment of this.

"Can I kiss you?" His voice came out as just as a husky whisper.

Before I could answer, he pressed his lips against mine. His arms wound around my waist as he deepened the kiss, leaning into me. A soft, sweet kiss that had me closing my eyes and trailing my hands up his body to wrap around his neck. He dragged me closer to him, until our bodies were pushed up against each other. It was a long, sweet, slow kiss.

Something changed between us with this kiss. I wasn't sure.

But I didn't want it to end. 

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