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"Are you ready to go?" Seungwoo smiled at me from the doorway of my hospital room. "Doctor says we're all set."

"Yeah." I double checked the straps on Haneul's carseat. "You know, I can't believe she's going to be this small."

"She is." Seungwoo stood next to me and peered down at her. "She's a little girl."

"I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy." I wrapped an arm around Seungwoo's slim waist and pulled him close. I felt him start in surprise, stiff in my hold.

"She's gorgeous. You're gorgeous." He said softly, voice catching in his throat. "Just perfect."

Seungwoo sang a lullaby while driving our way home in an attempt to get Haneul to sleep. I figured it was fine, he'd be on a schedule soon enough.

Seungwoo's lullaby made me tired, so I switched on the radio. He shot me a look, but Ikon was playing, so he didn't complain.

"Chika's at our old apartment with my parents. I can pick her up after dropping you guys off, or we can get her now." He offered.

"I'm sure your parents would love to see Haneul."

"Okay." He smiled at me. "Thanks."


"Oh, sweetheart!" Seungwoo's mother cried as soon as we stepped into our old apartment. She shared a moment while looking down at Haneul in my arms. I kissed Haneul's forehead as I handed her to Seungwoo's mother. I noticed she had tears glistening in her eyes and a small, proud smile on her face.

"I'm happy to have a daughter." At least I was her favourite, for now. I was the one with breasts, after all.

Mrs. Han laughed at me. "Seungwoo will still love you, sweetheart. She's still your favourite, right?" She looked fondly towards Seungwoo.

"Yes, my love. You've always been the favourite."

"This really reminds me back to when I last hold Seungwoo like this." Mrs. Han laughed. "He was so tiny, just like his own daughter, right, dear?" She looked fondly towards Mr. Han, who got up from his seat on the couch.

Mr. Park laughed. "I can't believe we're finally became grandparents at this age."

Seungwoo kissed Haneul's nose, my heart squeezing with overwhelming affection. "God, Haneul, you're the cutest."

Haneul squirmed on her grandma's arms. She then, started to wailed. I glared at Seungwoo, he smiled back sheepishly at me.

"I think she's hungry." Seungwoo said.

I briefly wondered why we had a baby in the first place, since they seemed to want to do nothing but cry and eat.

Mrs. Han passed her to me. I sat on the couch and latched Haneul onto my breast; she quieted down with adorable little snuffles. God, I was so obsessed with her. Could she even get any cuter?

Seungwoo joined me, he sat down on the floor and watched me feed Haneul. He carefully watched my expression. I softly stroked Haneul's forehead with one finger. She closed her eyes, looking somehow hungry and peaceful at the same time.

"Honey, you'll be around, right? Your next tour isn't for like...four months?" I asked suddenly.

"I might possibly have a jacket shooting next week."

"Next week?!" I shrieked. "Seungwoo, you can't leave me alone with a newborn baby!"

"Well, to be fair, you're a couple of weeks early." Seungwoo said condescendingly. "And that's why my parents are here. To help you out."

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