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Seungwoo POV

"Baby, are you ready for my concert tonight?" I asked. I was lying on top of her in our bed. She ignored my question and kissed me instead. After the appointment with her gynaecologist, all our worries seemed to melt away. We'd talked for hours that night and tried to work things out.

Our plan wasn't perfect, but we were going to try.

"Mmm, okay." I murmured against her lips. "As much as I love this, I have to go."

"Nooo." She let out a high-pitched whine as she tangled her fingers in my hair and pulled me back down against her.

"Baby, stop making out with me. I have...to...go. Fuck. When did you get so good at this?" I tried to pry myself away, but her kisses were too tempting.

"Come on, I need you." She whispered. I sighed and dropped my head against her shoulder in defeat.

"I'm going to be late."

She giggled.

"Again." I added, undressing her. "But I can't say no when you're carrying my baby."

"These hormones are fucking me up." She murmured. "But I just think you're cute."

"Hmm." I buried my face in the crook of her neck. "Why are you so adorable?"

"I was born this way."

"Your mom told me you were an ugly baby."

She gasped indignantly. "That's so rude!"

"Your mom is kinda rude." I chuckled. "Sorry, I shouldn't've told you."

"Whatever. This baby's gonna look like me and then you'll see that I've been cute since birth."

I nuzzled my nose against her neck. "Whatever you say, baby."

I loved concerts. Something about slipping into my performance persona was so fun and appealing, especially when I knew my fiancée would be there. Of course, she'd be in the back, but she'd be there.

We were in the dressing room getting ready for the concert. I sat in a chair and tried to practice the choreography in my mind, but my thoughts keep drifting towards my fiancée and whether or not we'd be able to make everything work. A baby and a solo career? Would a nanny really solve the issue?"

"Seungwoo, stop spacing out." Yohan waved a hand in front of my face, grinning. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I batted his hand away with a shy smile. My face changed as he picked up the camera from off of the table.

"Our Seungwoo is thinking of something that makes his cheeks turn pink." Yohan teased, turning the camera to my face. I stuck out my tongue and tried to wave him away. Wooseok jumped in the frame and pulled my cheeks.

"What are you thinking of, Seungwoonie?" He ruffled my hair affectionately.

"Of course, I'm thinking of our One its." I blew a kiss to the camera. "You guys are all so cute; you make my heart flutter."

Yohan laughed and turned off the camera. "What were you really thinking of?"

I shrugged and turned away. The two of them pestered me until I wanted to scream. Yohan kept pulling my cheeks and Wooseok wouldn't stop shouting. We were all grown men, but sometimes we still acted like children.

"Oh my god, just stop already!" I practically shouted. They burst out laughing before quieting down. "You really wanna know what it is?"

"Yeah." Wooseok cocked his head at me. "What's got you looking so serious these days?"

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