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I'd been at Seungwoo's parents for two weeks when I started to feel a little refreshed. I slept long and late into the morning, I always had fresh fruit or pancakes for breakfast, and I'd spent lazy afternoons in bed, reading books.

Seungwoo didn't call again. I tried to call him back fairly frequently, but something juvenile in me didn't want him to see a huge number of missed calls next to my name. Thirty wasn't a huge number, right? That was a perfectly acceptable number of missed calls from a spouse.

I supposed by "refreshed" I meant that I had stopped pining as much. I still missed Seungwoo and wanted him to be with me, but he wasn't here and I couldn't mope around waiting for him to come back.

My phone dinged and I lazily rolled over in bed to check it. One new message from Seungyoun awaited me.

"It's Seungwoo. I wanna talk to my mom."

Not me, then. Just his mom. Days of silence and finally I hear from him and it's about his mom.

"Mom. Seungwoo wants to talk to you." I turned the handle and she stood there, smiling at me.

"Me? What's the occasion?"

The ring of my cell phone interrupted her questions. Seungyoun's name popped up onto the screen and I quickly answered.

"Seungwoo?" I asked tentatively.

An awkward throat clearing answered me.

"Seungwoo? Is that you?" I tried again.

"Actually...it's Seungyoun."

My palms began to sweat. I quickly wiped them off on the sheets, but I couldn't wipe off the anxious feeling I suddenly felt in my gut. Why had Seungyoun called instead of Seungwoo? Had something happened to Seungwoo? Was he hurt? Or, more likely, did he just not want to talk to me?

"Hi, Younie." I replied, unable to keep the crushing disappointment out of my voice. Thirty unanswered calls and I got in reply was Seungyoun? "Where's Seungwoo?"

"He's here. He wants to talk to his mom."

"Not me?" I asked in a small voice.

"Can you hold on really quickly?" Seungyoun asked, then presumably covered the phone with his hand.

His mom patted my thigh as I listened to Seungyoun and Seungwoo arguing in the background.

"Just talk to your wife!" Seungyoun hissed to Seungwoo. "She's pregnant, for crying out loud. She doesn't know what's going on."

I couldn't understand Seungwoo's reply, but his angry tone of voice came in loud and clear.

"Younie, it's okay. His mom's here." I called loudly. "Put Seungwoo on. He doesn't have to talk to me."

"Ah, okay." Seungyoun sounded flustered on the other end. "Here he is."

"Mom?" Seungwoo's warm and affectionate voice filled my ear. I wished that it was directed towards me.

"Mom, Seungwoo's on the phone." I said softly.

I couldn't hear their conversation, so I leaned back against the pillows and listened to his mom speak to him. She giggled occasionally, but mostly filled him in on her doings in Busan. She told him about cooking with me and helping me out during the bedrest. How we went on a nightly walk with his sisters and how we stayed up late watching movies the night before.

"She's doing fine." She said reverently. "She eats a lot, too. Her baby bump is showing quite a lot. I wish she could just deliver the baby right now. I can't wait to hold my grandchild."

𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 ; 𝙝𝙨𝙬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now