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Seungwoo POV

I woke up one night to my wife clutching onto me and whispering, "Don't leave, Seungwoo, don't leave." I sighed and rubbed a hand over my sleepy self. This was the third time this week she'd had this nightmare.

I called her name loudly two or three times before she woke up with a start.

"What's going on?" She mumbled, patting my body as she tried to discern her surroundings.

"You're dreaming that I left you." I told her, carding my fingers through her tangled hair.

"Again?" She yawned and cuddled close to me.

"Again." I confirmed. "What is up with you?"

"Hormones." She yawned into my shirt, drooling as she did so. "Hormones and probably eating ice cream before bed every night for a week."

"Or you're really afraid that I'm going to leave you." I pulled her on top of me and kissed her, once, twice.

She nestled her head against my shoulder and nuzzled sleepily against me. "I'm tired."

"I'm gonna be up the rest of the night worried that you feel no sense of security with me if we don't talk about this."

"Hormones, Wooya." She whispered into my neck.

"Don't call me that." I grumbled against her hair. I caught a couple of strands in my mouth and fished them out, coughing.

"But your fans call you that and it's too adorable." She whined. "God, I'm so tired. Don't you know you shouldn't wake up a pregnant woman?"

"You were having a nightmare." I moved her to the side of me. I liked when she slept on me, but the added weight kind of made it hard to breathe sometimes.

I waited for a grumpy response, but she had already fallen asleep. Her chest rose and fell with the soft, even breath of sleep.

"Damn it." I pushed my bangs out of my eyes, exasperated.

I stayed up for hours wondering about my wife's recurring nightmares of my disloyalty. By the time I fell asleep, the sun had begun to peek over the horizon.

"Seungwoo, wake up!" My wife pushed me out of the bed. "Damn it, this is the fifth time I've woken you up. Why the hell are you so tired?"

"Whaaaaat?" I whined, head in my hands. I sat on the floor with my legs sprawled out, sleep-adled and disoriented. "I'm sleeping."

"It's ten! You can't sleep anymore! You're going to be late for work!" She nudged me with her foot as she struggled to fit into her dress. "Wake up!"

"Why aren't you at work yet?" I rubbed my tired eyes and gazed up at her.

"I have to travel today to talk to my co-designer in person. I'll be home late, so I decided to go in later. But this is much later than I had anticipated."

"Can you make breakfast?"

She ignored me as her phone rang with an unfamiliar jangle. Had she changed her ringtone?

"Hello? Ah, yes. Oh." She paused, pursing her lips. "Oh, alright. No, I completely understand, it's my fault for being late. Yes, thank you."

She hung up the phone with an attitude.

"Chika's cat hotel called to say I can't bring her in because there's no available room and I was late to booked one for her."

"Cat hotel? What cat hotel?" I ran my hands over my face again.

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