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Seungwoo had planned on marrying me during my birthday, as a surprise, so he bought a wedding rings without my knowledge, again. We got married in our apartment, with his friends, Hana, Aera and the two of us as the witnesses. I'd cried because never in my life I'd thought of getting married while wearing an old Stussy shirt of Seungwoo's. Seungwoo almost matched me, but he had on a hoodie.

It was perfect.

When he got back from the supermarket the day we got engaged, I took the pregnancy test. It had shown up positive. Seungwoo cried because he was so happy. He kept on pinching himself and whispering, "This can't be real." I cried for a different reason. I didn't feel ready to become a mother, barely wrapping my mind around the concept of becoming a wife. But when Seungwoo looked at me with those tender eyes of his, I knew it would be okay.

He had cradled my face in his hands, warm fingers splaying out over my cheek.

"Hey. Hey, baby." He'd whispered "I'm here. I've got you."

"I can't do this." I'd choked out, trembling. Seungwoo had pulled me into his arms and stroked my hair, whispering soothing words until I'd calmed down.

"Yes, you can. I'm here. We can do this, baby girl."

"I'm so scared." I had whispered, face pressed into his chest. "None of this felt real until I saw those two lines."

"We're going to be just fine." Seungwoo had promised.

And we were. Four months later we were married, impulsively during my birthday, as a surprise, and he'd filled out a marriage license for us. Without the priest, no vows and no wedding dress but I didn't care, the only thing that matter is that the kind of vow I needed in the look in Seungwoo's eyes as he stood across from me, his hands in mine.

We celebrated it with his friends and my friend, kissing underneath the moonlight. Seungwoo had picked me up and spun me around, shouting, "Finally, I have a wife!" I kissed him to shut him up, but the truth was that I could have listened to him say those words over and over again.

A few weeks later, Seungwoo had the idea of getting matching tattoos on our ring fingers to show that we were really married. Our little secret sign before we announced it to everyone.

We'd argued about what to get, but finally settled on little hearts. Seungwoo had wanted our initials, but I said I didn't want the tattoo poking out above my ring. He'd responded flippantly, ruffling my hair and saying, "Doesn't matter. You're mine now, anyway."

When we got home, we announced our engagement to our family. My parents had brimmed over with disapproval and when my mother had found out that I was pregnant, she immediately called me and lectured me for about half an hour. I was on the verge of tears when Seungwoo ripped the phone from my grasp and told my mother it was our decision and not to interfere. He hung up before she could say anything to him, and then kissed me and told me I was an amazing mother and this little love was lucky to have me.

His parents had been ecstatic and his mom immediately started discussing wedding plans with me. Seungwoo and I had agreed to keep our real marriage a secret. We didn't want to disappoint his parents, but we had wanted our real wedding to be just the two of us. No malicious whispers saying we had gotten married just because I was pregnant.

I'd married him because I wanted to be his wife.

We had a small ceremony, both families in attendance, although mine came under protest. We had it quickly, so I wasn't showing. Seungwoo and I had told his parents that I was pregnant before the ceremony, but they were understanding, for the most part, anyway. We didn't have a bridal party, but X1 and Victon and Seungwoo's other friends from home attended, as well as my friends.

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