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One evening, I heard Seungwoo curse in the next room. I tentatively stepped into the next room and watched. He was hunched over the half-assembled storage cabinet, looking pissed.

"Do you need any help?"

Hangyul looked up at me, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, that'd be great."

Earlier morning, I've been craving for some meatballs from Ikea so we went there, with Hangyul, too, who decided to join us as well, just to get some meatballs but they ran out of it. Is it even possible to ran out of meatballs in the early morning when the store had just opened? So, we just wandered around the store for a while and managed to bring back a lamp shade that we actually don't even need it. We've got new pillows, a new duvet cover, cutlery and a storage cabinet. We went to look for a baby crib as well but it's so expensive. Hangyul got weird and freaked out seeing us went inside the baby showroom but Seungwoo told him that it was part of our planning after marriage. Anyway, I can't believe we spent almost $150 at Ikea when we only went in for a plate of meatballs.

Seungwoo straightened up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Baby, I told you we should have just bought an already assembled storage cabinet."

"It wouldn't have fit through the front door." I reminded him.

"You won't fit through the front door." He retorted childishly. Hangyul laughed.

"Seungwoo, stop being a brat." I threw a small screw at him. "Are you tired? Do you need a nap?"

"Don't patronize me." Seungwoo said angrily. I blinked, taken aback. I thought we had just been fooling around.

Hangyul quietly excused himself.

I stepped closer to Seungwoo. "What is wrong with you?"

"I can't put this cabinet together." He mumbled.

"Okay." I put my hand on his shoulder. "What else is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." He hissed at me.

I took his face in my hands. Seungwoo scowled and pushed me away.

"Okay, first, don't push your pregnant fiancée." I brushed myself off. "Second, go take a nap."

I steered him in the direction of our bedroom. He protested, but I shoved him in and closed the door behind him.

Hangyul joined me in the next bedroom where I struggled to hammer in a stubborn nail.

"Are you two okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah." I smiled reassuringly at him. "We're fine."

"What's up with Seungwoo?" Hangyul took the hammer from my hand and finished the work. I sat down in the rocking chair and laid my hands on my stomach.

"I don't know. He's probably just stressed. He got like this when I started getting pregnant. I think it's finally starting to feel real to him."

Hangyul stared at me. I clapped a hand over my mouth, realizing what I'd said.

"Are you...?" He trailed off, glancing pointedly at my stomach.

"I'm pregnant." I said sheepishly. "But, uh, please keep it quiet. It's only been nine weeks."

"Congratulations." Hangyul crouched down next to me and smiled gleefully. "Woah, I'm going to be an uncle."

"Yeah, you are. My baby gonna have so many handsome uncles later."

"No wonder, he suddenly cried while dancing, one time." Hangyul said.

"He did?" I asked, astonished. Did Seungwoo really cried while dancing?

𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 ; 𝙝𝙨𝙬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now