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Seungwoo wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

"How was your meeting?" I asked, leaning in to him.

"It was good." He said softly, snuggling in to me. "They want me to sign a contract. I told them I had to talk it over with you first. And I told them that we're expecting a baby and getting married soon."

"What a good husband to be." Aera cooed. Seungwoo scowled at her.

"Oh, what did they say? What did your manager say about it?" I asked, curious.

"Well..." He began. "He kind of shocked with the news...and I got scolded and everything seems to be just fine..?"

"Are they planning on posting another article about us later?"

"I'm not so sure about that." He answered, his eyes raked over Yohan's. "Hey...is that my shirt?"

"Yup. I got ice cream on his shirt so I offered him yours."

Seungwoo shot me a look.

"What?" I asked, poking him in between the eyebrows.

"My dream. It's coming true."

I smiled. "It's not. Don't be stupid."

"Don't forget you're mine." Seungwoo whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, yeah."

He turned his head and kissed my cheek. He smelled cold, like rain and fresh air. I put my arms around him and snuggled against his oversized hoodie.

"Where'd you get that teddy bear?"

"A toy store on my way home. I saw it in the window and decided you had to have it." Seungwoo stroked my hair. "I got you something else, too."

I laughed into his chest. "What else could you get me from a toy store?"

"This." Seungwoo whipped a diamond ring out of his pocket. It was silver and very shining shimmering splendid. "And it's not from the toy store, baby."

"Oh my gosh, it's so pretty!" I snatched it out of his hands and slide it into my finger.

"I thought you would like it." Seungwoo hugged me close to him and buried his face in my neck. "Let's get married."

"Why are you always ring shopping by yourself?" I asked quietly, blushing as Hana glanced over at us. She had a tiny, wistful smile on her face. I turned away shyly as she laden down with food.

"Cause I love you." Seungwoo whispered into my neck. "And without you, I wouldn't have this little one right here." He moved his hand down and placed it on my stomach. "Thank you so much, love."

I gave him a squeeze as he murmured my name, accompanied by a soft sigh.

"You're a wonderful soul. And a wonderful mom to be. And just a wonderful human being and I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Seungwoo gently tilted my face up and kissed me softly, once, twice.

"I love you." He whispered, staring into my eyes.

"I love you, too." I whispered back. "And, call me your wife by now."

He giggled and suddenly screamed. "Finally, I'm married! And, I have a wife!"

Everyone shot us a look, surprised.

"You what?" Minhee asked, astonished.

"We're married." Seungwoo said as he lifted up both our hands together and showed them the wedding rings.

"What a pleasant surprise." Dongpyo said, putting his hand against his mouth.

"Who the hell get married like that?" Yohan added. Clearly everyone was in a great shock.

"We do!" Seungwoo chirped happily.

"Ah, it's so nice to be happy." Wooseok said. "Let's celebrate, everyone!"

Everyone except me, Aera and the babies clang the glasses and did a shot.

"TO SEUL AND SEUNGWOO'S HAPPINESS!" Aera shouted, gulping down her juice with the boys.

The party passed by pretty quickly. Everyone seemed to be getting along, although I noticed a lot of tension between Aera and Seungyoun. Seungwoo barely talked to Hana. Dohyon still eating the cake and was hyped up on sugar and out of control. Minhee and Junho sat together and soon Minhee was in a coma. Spongebob Squarepants had taken over his consciousness, so Junho left him in front of the television.

I joined Hana on the floor next to the coffee table. She was munching forlornly on a piece of pizza leftover from dinner. Seungwoo and Dongpyo were sitting on the couch, sharing our first ultrasound picture. Everyone else was talking together, drinking the rest of the wine.

"Why are you so glum?" I tapped her shoulder. She smiled at me before resting her head on my shoulder. I don't know how to felt at the moment. Surprised. Obviously.

"Life is complicated. But you and Seungwoo are adorable." She offered up a half-hearted grin. "Congratulations, for your wedding."

"Thank you." I whispered so no one would hear. "But it still felt like another engagement proposal to me."

She shook her head. "No, it isn't. Damn it, Seul. You're so lucky to have Seungwoo. Everyone can see it just how much he really loves you. Even when you have a good man, please always cherish him."

I smiled. "I will. Thank you, Hana."

Hana suddenly took my hand and played with my fingers.

"No, thanks to you." She said softly. "Without you, I wouldn't have realized how important Seungwoo is in my life as my best friend. Falling in love with him was a very stupid decision I ever made. I don't need his love. I just a need a best friend. I don't want to lose him. I can't imagine myself losing a best friend like him, Seul. A friend that I've known since forever. I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay." I whispered. "Things happened. What can we do?"

I turned to her and smiled, patting her thigh gently.

"Thank you, Hana. Thank you for not loving Seungwoo more than a friend anymore. I really appreciate it." I continued quietly. "Please always be his best friend. He cherishes his friendship a lot."

I lay in bed later that night, thinking and sighing.

"Baby, what's wrong with you? You sound so sad?" My husband asked sleepily, propping his head up on one elbow to talk to me.

"I've never felt so happy like this in my entire life." I said quietly.

"I love seeing you so happy." He scooted closer and wrapped me in a hug.

"Were these all of your plans?" I whined. "We're getting married without the priest, no vows to each other, without our family's consent, and wedding dress?"

"I don't need all of that in my wedding whenever I'm ready to get married."

"Don't be stupid." I smacked him.

"Baby, living together has helped us grow so much as a couple. We're stronger together and we're building our lives together. You don't need vows or a wedding dress to confirmed that you're married. That's just silly."

"Fine." I grumbled. "But still, let's get married for real."

"We will." Seungwoo leaned in and kissed my cheek. "We will, baby girl. Just go to sleep. I love you."

"I love you more." I whispered. "And, thank you for today, Seungwoo."

Seungwoo smiled as he took my chin in his hand and gently brought me in for a kiss. "I love you."

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