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"What do you want to eat for dinner tonight?" Seungwoo asked me as he pulled an apron over his head.

"Hmm..." I contemplated from my cozy seat on the couch. "I'm not really in the mood to eat tonight."

Seungwoo tsked. "Don't skip meals."

"Buy me a Chanel bag and I'll eat dinner." I bargained. Seungwoo sighed and shook his head at me, amused.

"All girls are the same. Do you even care about these burning feelings in my heart?" He pounded his chest and looked at me with a pseudo-pained expression. "Are you just using me for my money?"

"You forgot your handsome look, your killer body, your singing skills, and your status as an idol." I reminded him. He scoffed at me.

"Do you even love me at all?" Seungwoo demanded theatrically. "I feel like we only have these kinds of conversations. What about my soul? Do you even love my soul?"

"Yes, yes. I care deeply about you." I replied indifferently, flipping through the pages of my magazines. He was so melodramatic; I was pretty used to these passionate questions. So, I definitely didn't expect the next conversation we had.

Seungwoo was quiet for a long moment after my lacklustre confession. He sighed softly and muttered, "You care deeply, huh?"

I looked up at him, surprised. He was staring at me, wistfulness apparent in his expression. "Wait, are you not joking? Are you seriously doubting me? Do I really need to affirm my feelings for you?"

Seungwoo tilted his head and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. He let out a deep sigh. "Well, I was joking, but...uhh. Please affirm it." He said finally.

I got up from the couch and slowly walked across the room. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Please...buy me a Chanel bag." I said in a serious tone, trying to lighten the mood.

Seungwoo angrily, but gently, pushed me away and said "Skip your meals, I don't even care. Don't even say the word Chanel in front of me from now on."

"Seungwoo...I was just kidding." I said, a bit taken aback by his reaction. He refused to look at me and banged a pan on the stove. "Honey...please look at me." I whined, pleading, trying to be cute. He continued to ignore me.

This pregnancy is so weird and has brought so many different emotions. One time, I feel blissfully happy and then got all teary and irritable and then surprisingly sexual and gets all fatigued and forgetful. And I thought it was weird that my husband, too, can be more emotional, weepy and suffer mood swings during our pregnancy. I think he have been so much hormonal these days and have so many different mood swings. I don't like it, but I'm trying my best to deal with it.

"Seungwoo, come one. You know I love you. You know I do. Why are you being like this? What is the big deal?" I begged him.

He turned to face me. "Well, babe, I just think that you have really unrealistic expectations for what relationship are like." Seungwoo crossed his arms and looked at me with a condescending expression.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you were the fucking expert on relationships." I snapped at him, easily enraged.

"No, I'm just the expert on fucking."

"Han Seungwoo, you are greasy as hell." I was literally done with this fool. I stared into his eyes for a long moment. I could see the deep sadness and disappointment in them. I really caused him to make such an expression?

"You're never serious when it matters." He accused me. "You know damn well I'll buy you all the Chanel bags you want, that I want to buy you nice things, that I love you and I'm gonna buy you a bag if you ask me for a bag."

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