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Seungwoo POV

It was hours later when my wife and I stood in front of each other in our apartment's driveway. I had my duffle bag with me while Hana waited in her car for me.

"Are you seriously leaving me?" She asked me for the hundredth time.

"I have some things to do." I answered softly. I adjusted my cap over my eyes to avoid looking at her. "We'll meet again soon, okay?"

"I don't want you to go." She sniffled. "I want you to stay here."

"I have to go." I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Can I have a hug goodbye?" She asked me. I turned my face away from her. "Please?"

I hesitantly stretched out my arms to her. "I'll see you soon." I promised. Her tears pricking at her eyes.

"Really, really soon, okay? Please. I love you, Seungwoo."

I dropped my eyes down.

"Give me a kiss." She ordered me.

"Not today." I looked plaintively at her.

"Please?" She pleaded, trying to ignore the lump in her throat.

"No." I refused.

"Seungwoo. Please. Please, don't go." She pleaded, taking both of my hands. "Please."

"I have to." I whispered, pulling away from her. She suddenly pulled me into her arms and buried her face in my neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry. Please, just stay." Her tears fell onto my neck, soaking through the fabric of my shirt. "Please. I love you so much. I would never do that to you, you have to understand. Please, my love, please."

"Stop, Seul, please. I don't want Hana to see me cry." I gently ducked out of her grasp and began to walk to Hana's car.

"Don't go!" She called after me, her face a flood of tears. "Please, honey, I'll do anything! Just don't leave me, please. Please, please. Don't leave me."

Hana looked up, startled to see my wife crying.

I got into Hana's car, feeling helpless as my wife stared at me, looking for all the world like an abandoned little girl. She stood sniffling in her big black overcoat, messy hair hanging in her eyes. As we pulled out of the driveway, I saw her fall onto the ground and pull her knees up to her chest before burying her face in them, her body shaking with tears.

Hana didn't speak to me and I appreciated that. I didn't know what I was feeling or how to begin to explain what had happened between me and my wife.

After about twenty minutes, she finally broke the silence.

"I don't know what happened, but I do know that Seul loves you more than anyone in this world and she would never do anything to hurt you." Her fingers gripped the steering wheel too tightly before she released one hand and patted my knee.

I took a shaky breath. "Well, she did."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"I think it would really help if you talked about it." Hana tried again fifteen minutes later.

"I said no."

"Listen, I've known you a lot longer than her and I know her really well."

"I'm her husband." I said softly, sadly. "I should have known her the best."

"What did she do?"

My eyes swam with tears, obscuring my vision so that I saw two of Hana's concerned face.

"She cheated on me. Seul cheated on me."

Saying it out loud to another person somehow gave me finality to the situation. I had caught my wife kissing another man in an alleyway of the restaurant, just this afternoon. She'd betrayed me and I didn't know if we would ever be the same again.

Hana and I didn't talk for the rest of the car ride. I was too preoccupied with weeping to form any kind of coherent sentence.


I tried to hold it together. I really did. But the sight of my husband leaving me, perhaps forever, had overtaken any semblance of self-control I possessed. It took me an hour to stop crying in the driveway. By the time I managed to make it back into the house, Chika bounded happily to me as soon as I stepped foot inside. I started to cry again in the comfort of her warm embrace.

"I didn't do it. I didn't cheat on him. It was just really, really unfortunate circumstances."

Seungwoo was the best part of my life. There's no way I would do anything to ruin that. I can't lose him. I need him.

The first night after the argument I spent alone in my bathtub. Sad indie music played until the earliest hours of the morning. My tears intermingled with the bathwater and I had to keep a box of tissues handy so I could blow my nose without getting dirty. I felt like a sad, pathetic mess. Seungwoo had left and I couldn't even think of a reason why he should come back to someone like me.

My skin was pruny beyond measure by the time I pulled myself out of the tub. I wrapped myself in a towel and climbed into bed without even bothering to dry off properly. Fresh tears spilled down my cheeks as I remembered a silly conversation Seungwoo and I had some time before about sleeping in proper clothes. Now he wasn't here to lecture me about my health, my cooking, and my clothing choices.

Now he wasn't here to love me.

Seungwoo hadn't packed up all of his belongings yet so I lay on his side of the bed and breathed in the last vestiges of his scent.

I pulled out my phone to check my text messages. I had three from Hana and three from my husband. I checked Hana's first.

"Did you really cheat on him?"

"He's incredibly upset, Seul. I hope you're happy."

"I don't believe you really cheated on him, unless you've been living some secret double life all along. Call me tomorrow and tell me the truth."

The text from my husband hurt me more than he meant them to.

"Tell my baby I love you."

"*daddy loves you"

"Tell my baby 'daddy loves you.'"

"Seungwoo..." I sobbed into his pillow. "Seungwoo, please come back. I'm sorry. Please come back, please. Please come back..."

I hiccupped with sobs, unable to hold in my misery.

I wondered if that would be the last time my husband told me he loved me, accidentally or not.

"I love you, Seungwoo." I whispered to the ceiling.

Swallowing the sudden lump in my throat, I lay a hand on my stomach, caressing it gently.

"It's just you and me now, little love. Just you and me."

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