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"Seungwoo, what do you think you are doing here?" I whispered as we approached my parents' front door

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"Seungwoo, what do you think you are doing here?" I whispered as we approached my parents' front door. "What if they hate you?"

"They won't. Don't worry." He assured me. "Your brother is going to get married tomorrow. He wanted me to come over as well, remember? It's okay."

I shot him a look. "Thanks for your confidence."

"It doesn't matter if they don't like me or not. I like you." He held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He leaned in to give me a kiss, but I pushed his face away.

"We can't kiss in front of my parents. Or hold hands. And if you ever even hint at the fact that we've slept together, I will kill you. I'm not lying, Seungwoo."

Seungwoo stared at me, his eyes round. "I can't kiss you the entire weekend?" He asked, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip. "We already can't sleep in the same bed, but you're telling me I can't even hold your hand?"

"Yeah." I said, letting go of him. "I'm serious, Seungwoo. You can't even touch me at all."

He looked at me for a long moment. "What time do your parents go to bed?"

"I've got brothers." I informed him.

"I thought they were only like a few years older than you." Seungwoo argued, his feet dragging as we got ever closer. "Besides, one of them is engaged. And another one is already married, damn it! Will they really tell on us if we have sex?"

"Yup." I said lightly. "Seungwoo, my family is really weird. Also, you can't swear. Or dance suggestively. No sex jokes. Absolutely no grease. And please don't try to charm anyone. You're very charming, but just show them your sweet smile. No winking or anything. Keep your wiggly eyebrows to yourself."

"Am I even allowed to be here?" He muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"By the way, my family calls me Baby Bear. It's a childhood nickname because my brothers said I looked like it when I was little and also because I love cuddles and I was always eating and napping and I don't like being around anyone."

"That's adorable!" Seungwoo cooed, looking like he wanted to kiss me.

"You can't call me that." I glared at him warningly. "And you can't call me baby, either. Or babe. And especially not baby girl."

"What am I supposed to call you?" He grumbled, dragging his suitcase along behind him.

"My name, dumbass." I laughed. "I have one of those, you know."

Seungwoo looked a little nonplussed. "I only use that for special occasions. It's a very serious matter."

"Don't call me anything, then." I patted his cheek, our last touch for the weekend.

I swallowed nervously as we reached the front door. I'd never brought a guy home to my parents before. I wasn't sure what to expect.

𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 ; 𝙝𝙨𝙬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now