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Seungwoo and I had crossed signals one day about who would do the laundry again. I was six months pregnant and the doctor had reduced my bedrest to at least five hours of rest a day. I couldn't go back to work, but I was officially allowed to run errands, pack up our apartment without moving anything heavy, and meet with a client or two. Technically, I was still on maternity leave, but I didn't want to fall behind.

Seungwoo loitered on his phone outside the laundry self-service room (because we have so many dirty clothes and got no motivation to wash and hung them up) while looking fashionable in jeans and a black sleeveless shirt. That thing was so old, but damn, it still made his arms look excellent. As I approached him, I saw a couple of women check him out. He glanced up with a perfunctory smile, and I watched as their expressions changed and they realized he was famous. They asked to take pictures with him and I smiled as he nodded and posed with one at a time, his arm slung over their shoulders, his classic fan-smile on his face.

I hung out in the background until they left, my hair hiding my face as I thought up a plan to surprise him. Seungwoo went back to playing on his phone, so I crept up next to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped, startled, and immediately adopted the same fan-smile when I asked shyly, "Can I take a picture with you?"

"Sure." He replied immediately, accepting the phone I held out to him. "Ah, your wallpaper is me. A true fan."

"Ah, I don't know. I like Ikon better." I told him with a suppressed giggle. Didn't he recognize my voice? I wasn't very good at disguising it.

"Tch." Seungwoo tsked. "My wife tells me the same thing. Once she even told me that if given the chance, she would hook up with Jinhwan."

"Excuse you, I said I would make out with Jinhwan. Hooking up implies a number of things that I just wouldn't do with Jinhwan." I pinched his cheek and he jumped in surprise.

"Seul?" Seungwoo peered into my face. "Is that you?"

I smacked his arm. "Seungwoo, you dumbass, you can't even recognize your own wife?"

He laughed. "Honestly, the number of girls who have imitated your style to try and get my attention is infinite. Before you got pregnant and therefore more easily recognizable, I would think I spotted you at least a dozen times before I remembered you hadn't come."

Seungwoo tucked a loose strand back into my bun with practiced expertise. I smiled at him and he dimpled in response.

"Can I still get that picture with you?" I asked, somehow feeling shy.

"Sure." He opened my phone and trained the camera on us. "Smile!"

Before the camera flashed, I turned my head and kissed his cheek. He let out a noise of surprise before laughing. We both inspected the picture, heads bent over the phone, brown and black strands mingling together.

"So cute." Seungwoo cooed. "I'm gonna keep this one."

I rested my head against his shoulder as he sent the picture to his phone and set it as his background.

"You can put that one on Instagram if you want." I offered generously.

"I will." He tapped away at his phone. "There. I captioned it, 'Surprise kisses from my biggest fan.'"

"I literally said I preferred Ikon over you to your face." I pointed out as he laughed.

"I know you're still my biggest fan. Why else would you continue to inspire me on a daily basis?" Seungwoo smiled sweetly at me.

After we're done with the laundry, we drove to Hongdae. We traipsed up the steps of our new apartment building. I loved the wooden door and the kitchen and the mosaics decorating the outside of the building. I loved this neighbourhood and I loved Seungwoo for finding an apartment in it.

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