Year 4 - Chapter 1

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Okay, I am very excited to be putting this story up. I wrote this on quotev, some of you may know this website, and I never got a chance to finish it. I am now putting it up here on wattpad for all my lovely followers and other people who love Draco as much as I do! ;)

Also some chapters may be quite short, but that is how I wrote the chapters back then, they get longer, trust me :) And, I'm not going to be following the story line of the Harry Potter series exactly, due to the fact that I think some parts of the story would I well in other parts too.

I really hope you all enjoy it and I will try to keep updating my other stories too. The thing is, school is getting serious and I need to do a lot of studying for my exams. I will have exams all this month going into December. So, when I have just an ounce of free time, I will update my stories as much as I can.

Thank you so much :)

As I walked down the corridor towards the slytherin common room I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was back in Hogwarts for my fifth year of witchcraft and wizardry.


I swerved round too see Hermione rushing over to me. She gave me a massive hug. "I've missed you so much! How was your holidays?" She asked me intently.

"They were good I suppose I missed you as well!" I replied.

"Hey mud blood!" I looked past Hermione and saw Draco and his cronies shouting at Hermione.

"Malfoy, go away. Like we need to see you right now!" I shouted at him.

"Fine!" He retorted. "What':s a pureblood like you hanging around with that filthy little mud blood anyways." Draco then strolled up to the slytherin common room.

"Don't listen to him, Hermione. What does he know?" I told her reassuringly.

"Haha it's okay. It doesn't bother me anymore." She answered.

I hugged her tightly and said,"Good, well, I best go unpack. I'll see you around!"

Hermione and I departed and we went to our common rooms.

As I got into the common room it was very early. So not many of us were there. As I entered and said the password,"Pureblood" I realized it was only Malfoy, Crabb and Goyle in the common room.


"Great, I've got to be stuck with a bunch of losers like yourselves for two hours" I mocked.

"At least we don't hang around with mud bloods such as Hermione Granger." Malfoy exclaimed.

"Leave off Draco. Your such an idiot. You think your so bad. Only, your really a wimp deep down!"

Draco shoved me up against the wall and said,"Oh really? Coming from Rose Silvers. Pfft!"

"Yes, Really!" I shoved him off me and turned around. I slowly got my wand out and quickly turned to Draco, putting the wand against his neck. "We don't want little Draco turning into a little ferret again. Do we?" I pushed him back and he quickly backed away from me. I turned to Crabb and Goyle and widened my eyes as if to say,"stay away". I rolled my eyes and grabbed my suitcase and went and unpacked.

When I finished unpacking I went back into the common room and got ready before everybody else came. Crabb, Goyle and Malfoy were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I heard someone talk in a low tone.

"Your not getting away with that you know." It was Draco. Out of the corner from the shadows he appeared and said,"My father will hear about his!"

"Haha, go on then, go cry to daddy." I mocked.Suddenly more people dame into the common room.

It was almost time for the welcome assembly.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now