s i x t e e n

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my heart drops and my body begins to shake slightly. i don't think my legs can hold my body up.
i look at my mom and she looks at me with sympathy in her eyes. my mom goes to the living room, i don't think she wants to hear us arguing.
hero looks tired and like he hasn't eaten, he is a mess.
i am a mess. but this is his fault.
"can we do this in my room please i don't want to be swearing and hayden can hear me" i say

we're in my room.
hero sits on my fluffy pink spinning chair, i'm sitting on my bed.
the bed we one both slept in together.
"i'm sorry" he mumbles.
"sorry isn't going to fix anything"
i don't want to be mean to him but i need to protect myself.
"i uh got you a present, i was supposed to give it to you last week"
he pulls out a box from his pocket, it looks like a necklace box.
hero gets up and puts the box on my bed.
"do you want to look at it?"
i lean over to bring the box closer to me and i open the box.
it's a silver necklace with a "h" on it, my heart swells.
my eyes begin to fill up with tears and i want to forgive him so bad but i don't want to hurt myself.
i go to tie my hair and the sleeves to hero's hoodie moves down and my fresh cuts are visible.
his face drops and my heart is on the floor, i didn't want him to see them.
hero comes and sits on the bed beside me.
"you're cutting again?" he asks
i'm trying not to cry. i am not going to cry.
i am going to be strong.
hero softly takes my hand and lifts my sleeve, he's crying.
"oh babygirl" his voice breaks.
he brings my arms to his lips and kisses them ever so softly. hero looks up at me, his eyes look so sad and he looks like he's in pain.
"can you put the necklace on me?" i ask innocently.
like he never hurt me.
he nods, i lean over and i wipe the tears from his eyes and kiss his forehead.

hero puts the necklace on and it is so beautiful, i love it.
"thank you" i say to him.
he hurt me.
i will never forget about that.
he is laying on the bed next to me, we're hand in hand and we're in silence again.
i like it, i get to think.

i climb on top of hero and i kiss his pink soft lips, his hands move to my waist.
"you look so beautiful in my hoodie" he mumbles against my lips

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