s i x t y - s i x

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today hero is going to italy for a week, he's doing a catwalk model thing. his flight isn't until later, the kids and i are going to miss him so much but i'm excited to see him on the runway because he hasn't modelled in a few months so this week is a big week for him. i'm so proud of him, he's come so far in his career.

belle and camila are watching paw patrol with adam. they're walking and talking which makes me sad because they're not tiny babies anymore, belle looks like me and camila looks like a mix of me and hero which is so scary but they're both beautiful. kieran reminds me of adam when he was a baby, not fussy at all - the twins were the hardest to look after when they were babies, i mean there was two of them so it made it a bit worse and hero and i were going through a lot. kieran is asleep, he's going through that stage where he sleeps constantly - which i don't mind because all of my children have gone through that particular phase but with kieran, if he doesn't go to sleep he is so moody.

i'm sitting in hero and i' room whilst he packs, he always leaves packing so last minute so i need to sit with him and ask if he's got everything. hero is on the floor with his suitcase open in front of him.

"have you got your underwear?" i ask my husband
"oh yeah i forgot"
he opens his drawer and takes out a few pairs of boxers.
"were you going to walk around with the same boxers on?" i ask and laugh at him, he throws a t-shirt at me - causing me to laugh even more.
"i feel like i'm forgetting something" he says to me and rests his head in his hand.
"that's it" he mumbles and gets off the floor.

hero heads to the bathroom and takes out his travel tooth brush from one of the drawers, it folds into a stick things which is cool.

"you've packed the whole house and your forgetting the things you need" i say
"uh i think i've got everything now"
i nod at him and hero closes his suitcase and zips it closed, he climbs onto the bed and lays down bed next to me.

"i'm gonna miss you" hero tells me and kisses my forehead.
"i'm going to miss you too"

i rest my head on his chest and his arms are around my waist, our legs are tangled as we stare at the ceiling.
"i'm so proud of you" i remind my husband
a smile grows on his face, it makes me fall in love with him more - how passionate he is about work, it makes me happy when he's happy.

hero moves his head down to my chest, where my tank top starts. he sucks on my skin, causing me to bite my bottom lip - a few seconds later, he moves his mouth from my chest and i look down to see a red mark.
"there's a little reminder of me" he mumbles and i chuckle at his actions.
"i would do the same to you but i know you've gotta go do your modelling" i reply to him, he pouts at me and i giggle, he knows i can't take him seriously when he makes that face.
"when you come back" i add

i'm surprised that the kids haven't come upstairs..
just as i thought that i hear footsteps coming up the stairs, the footsteps get closer and our bedroom door creaks open.

hero turns around to look who it is and it's adam, i assume that camila and belle are downstairs.
"dad" adam whines
"belle is annoying me" adam says and frowns

hero detaches his body from mine and gets out of bed to go and talk to adam. i turn around to look at my son and my husband, adam is now on hero's lap as they sit on the edge of our bed.

"what's wrong?" hero asks adam
"belle keeps poking me" adam says, his bottom lip is over his top lip - he sounds angry, adam doesn't usually bicker with his sisters but there is the odd occasion.
"shall we go and tell her stop?" my husband asks
"yes please"

my son jumps off of hero's lap and takes his hand and they leave the bedroom. i climb out of my bed and go into the boys bedroom to check on kieran, he's awake. i'm not sure why he didn't cry when he woke up but he's laying down and staring at the ceiling.

"hello little man" i mumble and pick my son out of his cot, kieran has grown up so quickly - it's unbelievable. none of my children are little babies anymore, which hurts a little but i love seeing them walking and talking.

since he's has only just turned one, he can walk and talk but his speaking is limited to a few basic words. he's walking so well for a one year old but it's kind of bittersweet seeing him grow so quickly because i know i'm not having any other kids so kieran is my last

i take my son downstairs and the twins are still sitting peacefully on the sofa, watching paw patrol. i put keiran on his play mat and head to the kitchen to make a snack for the twins and adam.

the fridge is full since we went food shopping yesterday, i open the fridge and take out three capri suns and a packet of takis for adam - he still loves them years later. i give the girls cheese stick each and a small bowl of fruit for them both to share. i get out a small baby cookie for kieran.

"snack time" i say to the girls and put their snacks on the coffee table in front of them.
"thank you" belle says and hugs my legs
"thank you mommy" camila says and sits on the floor next to the coffee table.
i go over to kieran's play corner and hand him his baby cookie, he puts it in his mouth as soon as i give it to him.
"yum" he says with his mouth full, making my heart melt.

i leave the living room/kitchen area and i take adam's snack up to his room. i push the door open slowly and he's sitting on his desk, colouring.
"i got you a snack" i say and put his capri sun down along with the small packet of takis
"thank you" my son replies and kisses me on the cheek.
"i love you mommy"
"i love you too adam"

"where's your dad?" i ask my son
"he's getting ready to leave" adam tells me

i go into our bedroom and hero has his bags packed already, my eyes sting because i'm going to miss him a lot; even though he's only going for a week, it's a long time away from him for me.

hero comes over to me and hugs me, he wipes the tears rolling down my cheeks and kisses my lips softly.
"i'll be back soon don't cry" hero says
"i love you" he reminds me
"i love you too"
"have fun" i mumble

he embraces me in another hug and i smile into his chest.
"i left my t-shirt on the bed for you" he tells me and a smile grows on his face.
"i even sprayed it with my cologne"
"thank you" i say
"help me take these downstairs"

"bye dada" kieran says to hero and hero kisses his head.
i take kieran from hero's arms and hold him in my arms, hero is whispering something to adam and adam is giggling so it must be something stupid.
adam gives his dad a hug and tells him he loves him, the twins do the same.

"love you" i remind him and kiss his lips once more.
"ewww" adam says and covers his eyes

hero closes the door and me and the kids sit on the sofa to watch something on the tv, kieran is sitting beside me.

"mommy why do you and daddy have to do that in front of me" adam says, he looks disgusted with me
"sorry i won't do it again" i chuckle.

i am really going to miss my husband.

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