s i x t y - t w o

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two years later;
josephine's pov;

today is the day, today is the day hero and i are finally getting married. the twins are 2 years old now, adam is 5 years old now and we had a another boy - kieran, he's one years old now. i am so so excited that i'm finally getting married to the love of my life.

hero has done so much for me and if i never had him in life, i wouldn't be alive, i wouldn't be a mother. he's given me four beautiful children and he's done nothing but love and care for me and i am so grateful that our relationship is okay now.

i got my hair done by a hairdresser that i've been looking at for years, she has curled my hair so beautifully and then put it up in an elegant bun, leaving some strands out and then putting a diamond pins in the bun. my make up is light but it's noticeable.

my mom , alexa, jacklyn, martha and the twins are in the room. i've had a few drinks but my mom is completely sober, she's taking the kids when hero and i go on our honeymoon.

i don't actually know where we're going for our honeymoon, hero is surprising me.

"are you ready to put your dress on?" my mom asks me and i scrunch my face up because i am so nervous to walk down the aisle, george is walking me down the aisle because he was more of a father to me than micheal was. 

"yeah" i mumble and walk over to where my dress is hung. i close my eyes and breathe in, this feels surreal. i take my heavy dress of the hanger and take it to the changing room place.

i stand in front of the mirror and my hair and make up makes me look so pretty, i take off my robe and put the dress on. once the dress is on, i look in the mirror and i fight the urge to cry because i don't want to ruin my make up yet.


i am about to get married. i'm standing behind the door with my arm linked with george's.
"i love you so much and i know you're not my biological daughter but i will always think of you as my own" george says to me before kissing my head.
"thank you" i say to him.

he really helped me realise that all men are not like micheal . george taught me a lot, he made my mom happy and i am so thankful that he managed to make my mom happy. i wanted them to have a kid but my mom doesn't want another one and i think george treats us all as his own so he doesn't want another one because he thinks of us all as his children.

"are you ready" my stepdad asks me
i nod and the doors open in front of me, my heart is pounding and i feel like i can't walk straight. my stepdad keeps me upright. i look up and hero is standing at the top, he is wearing a black suit.

he looks so good, i honestly can't believe how fucking sexy he looks - when i see him a small smirk grows on my face and he looks down. he looks nervous and it makes my stomach flip, he still gets nervous around me - years later.

i get to the top of the aisle thing and i'm standing opposite hero, i look around and all of my family and hero's family is here. jacklyn is my maid of honour because she's my best friend, because noah and hero are so close, noah is hero's best man - jacklyn and i just ended up bestfriends. nnoah is standing behind hero, he looks like a proud dad which makes me smile.

"josephine eliza langford" the priest says to me
"do you take hero beauregard faulkner fiennes tiffin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"i do" i reply, looking up at my soon to be husband

"hero beauregard faulkner fiennes tiffin, do you take josephine eliza langford to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest repeats
"i do" he replies.

hero slips a ring onto my finger, it is beautiful - the diamond is huge and i thought my engagement ring was flashy, this is so much more flashy and it looks so expensive. jacklyn hands me a box and i take out the ring from the box, it's just a silver band but it's cute. i slip it into heros finger.

"you may kiss the bride"

hero cups my face in his hands and kisses me.

we're married.


we've eaten and all and now we're doing speeches, it's hero's turn for his speech, noah has done his, my mom and now it's hero.

"it's your speech timeee" noah tells hero and hands him a mic, noah taps a glass thing and everyone looks at him.

"hi uh so i'm hero, i mean you all should know that because it is my wedding ah. josephine, i just want to say thank you for being the bravest woman that i know. you are so strong and you have been through so much and i am proud of you. i love you because you keep me on my toes, i never know what to expect from you, you are the love of my life josephine, and you make me happier than i could ever imagine. everyday, you manage to make me smile and you and the kids are the reason i get up out of bed in the morning. you have given me four beautiful beautiful children, we have the most perfect family and if it wasn't for you - i wouldn't have any of that. i love that you put your whole heart and all of your strength into our relationship and watching you with our children makes me so happy. you bring out the best version of me, i am happy when i am with you and our kids. i promise to be your one and only, to be your friend and your lover, to never give up on you, to help you succeed. you have accomplished so much and you have over come so much in your life, i adore you. i promise i will be there when you're sick, when you're low, i will be here to build you back up. because we are a team and we have been through thick and thin together and we have made it out. we're here many many years later, with children. so thank you josephine eliza langford for making it possible for me to love someone because i never thought i was capable of loving someone but you have showed me that i was wrong"

i am crying, hero passes the mic back to noah and he comes over to give me a hug.
"i love you" i tell him

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