t h i r t y - t h r e e

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3 years ago; hero's pov.
im on my way home from work, i'm tired and it's been a long day. josephine is at home - she's having a bad day so when i get home i'm going to run her a bath, give her a massage, make her dinner.. just try and make her feel good.

i park my car in the driveway and take my house keys out of my pocket, i unlock the door and take my phone out of my jeans and i smile at the picture of josephine and i.
"i'm home" i shout, no one replies.
she's at home but she's probably upstairs, maybe she's asleep. i hang my jacket up on the coat hanger and put my keys on the side. i go up the stairs and open the door to our room but she's not in there, i walk down the hallway and the bathroom light is on - the door is open and i push it open slightly and there she is. on the floor, with a blade in her hand.

i snatch the blade off of my girlfriend and resist the urge to breakdown, i sit next to her - she looks broken.
"what's wrong, please.. talk to me" i beg her, she can't do this to us again.
"remember what you promised me?" i ask her and cup her face in my hands.
she doesn't say anything, she just hugs me and then breaks down. oh my babygirl.
i rub my hand on her back and let her cry, she isn't going to do this again - what if she actually does it? what if she actually kills her self? i wouldn't be able to cope.

we spoke and she's okay now, she needed someone to talk to and i am here for her no matter what because i love her. she's the love of my life and i will help her heal because i want her to be okay.

i ran her a bath, she's in there now and i lit some candles for her. i go into the bathroom and check on her
"you okay baby?" i ask her, my voice is soft.
she nods and i leave the bathroom and go downstairs,
jo said she wants to make pizza so i've done the base for her and for myself and then we're gonna put our toppings on when she gets out the bath, childish - i know. but it's one of our favourite things to do together.

once she's out of the bath, we put the toppings on the pizza and they're in the oven now. we're in the living room and she is cuddled up into me.
"i love you" jo mumbles
i look down at her and kiss her forehead, she doesn't deserve to be in this much pain. she doesn't deserve it at all, she is such a beautiful woman, she has a beautiful face, a beautiful soul.


we're in bed now, our legs are intertwined and josephine rests her head on my chest, i lean down and kiss her forehead. she looks up at me and kisses my lips, the kiss is deep. my hands move down to her waist and we both sit up.. it's gonna be a long night.

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