f o r t y - e i g h t

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it's christmas morning and we're all up so early, it's 9am - everyone's still in their pyjamas. everyone is sitting at the table but my mom, george and alexa are all bringing breakfast out for everyone, i never thought this table would come to use. it's like the ones you see in the movies, adam is sitting in between josh and hayden - they have been inseparable since we got here. we're going to do presents here and then we're going to heros moms later.

"merry christmas" my fiancé says to me, snapping me out of my thoughts and i kiss him on the cheek.

emma, charlotte, harley, mia and emily - that's the full whore group. they're all still drooling over hero but i'm too tired and too pregnant for any of their shit right now.
"you okay" jack asks me from across the table
"i haven't been up this early in months" i say, yawning.
my mom comes out with two huge trays of pancakes, george comes out with another two and then alexa has one trey in her hand, my mom comes back with fruit trays and theres already syrup and pots of nutella places across the table. there's quite a few orange juice and apple juice cartons across the table as well, my mom brings out another tray - as does george with sausages, toast, bacon, hash browns, there's some french toast and some normal. and then there's a tray of muffins, cookies, my mom made some millionaire shortbread and it all looks so good.

for the first time in a while, i'm excited to eat. adam usually has milk with his breakfast and my mom gave him his sippy cup with milk in it, i smile because she remembered even after doing all of this.


breakfast was delicious, we're going to get changed now because we're leaving in a bit. i don't want to leave but i know we're going to have fun at hero's moms as well. i think it's because of hayden and josh with adam - they've been inseparable, we're coming back tomorrow when everyone's left anyway so it's okay. hero went upstairs to get changed and i'm sitting with luke, alexa, jack and liam - when hero comes down i'll go and get changed and get adam changed as well.

alexa has oliver in her arms, he's so cute.
"how's the pregnancy goinnn" my sister asks me
"i'm always drained" i say, my head is leaning on my hand.
"i kinda want kids but we're going to adopt" liam tells us
"you'd be the coolest dad" alexa tells him
"jack do you want kids?" luke asks him
he smiles at me because i know what he's going to say.
"they're brats" we both say at the same time, making everyone laugh
"but yeah i do want kids" he adds on

the living room door opens and hero comes in, he's got a white saint laurent jumper on with black jeans - his hair is combed and he looks so fucking good. unfortunately, i didn't get my christmas sex last night because jack and liam slept on our floor but tonight i definitely will be.
"go get ready baby" he whispers in my ear and his voice calms me.
"i'm going to get changed and i'll be back" i say to the others.

i'm wearing a black top, it's stretchy but it fits around my bump, i pull on some leggings and then i put on a plaid shirt over my top. it looks cute, i curled my hair - i was going to straighten it but then i remember how i didn't like it last time i straightened it so i thought i'd jusy be on the safe side, i changed adam and he's wearing his little white jumper and black jeans - matching with his daddy.

adams run off to play on the playstation with hayden and the other boys which doesn't surprise me. when we come back tomorrow we're doing presents because they'll be less people and it'll only be hayden, josh, alexa, luke, oliver, my mom, george,  jack and liam are going to be here too which is fun. my mom treats them like family. jacks mom and passed away, they both died of cancer which breaks my heart. but when we're at hero's parents house - jack and liam are going to liams parents house for the night and then they're coming back to my moms.

i come back downstairs and hero's jaw drops as i enter the room, i don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
"look at you mama" liam shouts, he loves calling me mama which makes me chuckle - that's just his nickname for me now.
as i sit down next to hero, he rests his hand on my knee and whispers in my ear
"just wait until we're alone" which makes me bite my lip and smile.

the others are talking so i decided to go and sit with the whores.
"hi" i say to them, hugging them all. i'm about to puke, they're all wearing the same perfume and it's stinks.
"hi" they all reply in unison, are they fucking robots?
i sit on the couch next to charlotte and they seem very interested in my pregnancy.
"oh my gawd you're having two girls that's so cool!" emma says, i really want to laugh because the way she's chewing her gum.

"so is that your husband?" mia asks me, referring to hero
"no we're engaged" i reply, placing a hand on my belly. my girls keep kicking me, i cant wait till they're born - it's going to be hard work but i'm so excited.
"he's cute" charlotte says
i just nod my head, i'm not sure what the fuck i'm supposed to say to that.
"you're so young" emma says to me,
"why do you have so many kids?" she adds on
i give her a dirty look and then reply to her question
"why're you such a whore?" i ask, genuinely curious.
she gasps at me and i laugh.

she's not in her pyjamas anymore, well she is but she's wearing shorts and a tank top - her tits are falling out of her top and her ass is out, when hero came into the room i noticed that she pulls them up higher. he hasn't looked at her, not even once.

"i don't know what he's doing with you anyway he could do so much better. your son is ugly as well." emma says.
"your face isn't even pretty either, and your body is disgusting" she adds.
i grab her by the hair and drag her onto the floor.
pregnant or not, i can still beat a bitch up. i kick her and the rest of her whores are standing there.

hero realises that i'm hitting her and gets up and drags me off her, jack helps him pull me off of her.
"fucking bitch!" i shout at her before the boys get me out of the room, alexa is laughing because she knows that i'm not going to stop - i don't mind her laughing because she's my big sister.

"what the fuck happened?" jack asks me, handing me a bottle of water. we're in the kitchen, my mom and all the older people are upstairs playing board games which bores everyone apart from them, hayden and the other kids are all in the boys room playing on the ps4 and oliver is asleep, since he's a newborn - he sleeps a lot so he wasn't there to witness any of that. neither was adam, thank god.

"she was saying stuff to piss me off" i say laughing
"i don't know what he's doing with you" i mimic
"are you okay" hero asks me, kissing my forehead.
"i'm fine baby" i assure him, jack looks worried.
"i'm fine" i tell jack.
"she was saying stuff about adam, i wasn't going to just sit there" i tell them both.
and then i hear screaming from the other room, hero and jack run into the living room and i follow them.
i walk into the living room and alexa is hitting emma and charlotte, i go to hit one of them and jack tells me to move before i get hurt. luke and hero drag alexa off of emma and charlotte is on the floor, liam and jack come with me to the kitchen. hero and jack come into the kitchen with alexa, i stand up and high-five her.

"well done" i say to her
she nods at me, i toss her my water bottle because she's out of breath and jack rolls his eyes at me because i'm laughing, i mean it is funny.
"that's what she gets for messing with you" alexa says, taking a drink from her bottle.

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