t w e n t y - n i n e

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i'm in labour, i've been here for twelve hours.
and when i tell you i have never felt pain like this, i genuinely think i'm gonna DIE.
the doctor comes in and checks if i'm fully dilated, and to tell me if i can start pushing or not. if she tells me i can't then i'll be pushing because i need this baby OUT OF ME.
"you can push now ms langford"
i push.
and push.
and push.
"one last push" one of the male doctor say.
hero is holding my hand im so fucking angry at him, it's his fault i'm knocked up.
"hero this is your fucking fault" i say pushing one last time.
he chuckles and i squeeze his hand, signalling him NOT to laugh, now is not the time. i want to kill him.

as i push i feel a weight off of me, soon the room fills with the screeches of our son. the midwife moves my top and places him on my chest, when he's on me - he slowly stops crying. i start crying.. he's beautiful. i look over at hero and he's smiling at me. our baby is here.
"what are we gonna call him?" i ask hero
i like that name, i nod my head at him. one of the nurses takes adam off my chest and puts a nappy on him, wraps him up in a blanket as i sit up. my bump has shrunk which makes me sad but our baby boy is here. the nurse puts adam back into my arms and leaves the room.
i give him to hero because he hasn't held him yet and as soon as adam is in his arms, tears start rolling down his cheeks.

this is such a beautiful moment and i've imagined it for months and it's finally here and it feels surreal.
hero kisses his small head and rocks him gently in his long arms. i watch my two boys and smile.
"i love you jo, i'm so proud of you" he says to me.
"i love you too"
"he's perfect, we made a pretty cute baby" i say to my fiancé.


half an hour later, hero went to get us some food because i am starving. i asked him to get me a salad and he's going to get himself food - i'm not sure what yet. i'm on facetime to jack, it really upsets me that he can't be hear but he's in london and he's back in a few days which is okay - he said he's going to come and see me the day after he comes back.  i gave birth a week early which is kinda dangerous but adam is fine.

"look at him" i say softly
adam is in one of those clear cots next to my hospital bed so i can see him properly, he's all wrapped up and he is so cute. i cant wait to see what colour eyes he has.
"he's gonna break some hearts" my best friend says to me.
"how's london treating you?"
"great, i just want to come back though to see you and mr adam who decided to surprise us all and come early"
i chuckle at jack.
"i'm gonna go now" he says to me
"bye i love you" i say to my bestfriend of many years
"i love you too"

hero gives me my salad and i eat it very quickly, he brought me a sprite as well which warmed my heart because i was saying that i wanted a sprite since we got to the hospital.

hero's pov;
it's been three, nearly four hours since my beautiful fiancée gave birth to my perfect baby boy. my mom and jo' mom, george and my dad are all on their way here with hayden, josh, alexa and her boyfriend luke.
jo is asleep but i think she'll be awake by the time everyone's here. i pick my son up out of the glass cot thing and hold him in my arms, i walk around the room with him in my arms - he is perfect. he is so small and cute.
"i love you so much son" i say to him, kissing his tiny forehead.

my mom and the rest of the family are here, adam has so much love already. as does josephine because she done all the work, my mom and dad brought her some chocolates and her favourite flowers with a hat that my mom made for adam, jo' mom and george brought balloons and strawberries and blueberries since those are jo' favourite fruits. hayden made adam a card which melts my heart, it's so cute seeing hayden and josh with adam. he's going to grow up so close with hayden and josh. it's adorable.

george and elizabeth left with alexa, luke, hayden and josh. my dad went home and my mom is here - she's talking to jo about god knows what but i have my son in my arms. i don't think i will ever get tired of holding him in my arms.


josephines pov;
it's late. one.. maybe two in the morning. hero is asleep in the bed that the hospital provide. i mean the price that we are paying - i would be so angry if there wasn't a place for hero. today was a good day, i am exhausted from labour but it was so worth it. the months wait was worth it because now i have my little family. i'm so happy. i haven't been happier in a long time.. this is what i needed.

as i shut my eyes to go to sleep, my new born son starts crying and i sit up. i lean over and pick him up out of the hospital cot thing - he looks comfy in there. i wish i was as comfy as him. he's hungry. i lift my top and put my nipple in his mouth. adam drinks the milk out of me and i rest my head on the pillow.

"i love you little man"

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