f i f t y - o n e

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i've been living at my moms house for two weeks now, i'm due any day soon. hero has tried calling me, texting me, he's tried everything, he even came here and my mom lied and said we weren't here. i know it's not fair on adam that he hasn't seen his dad but i cant see hero, not right now. maybe i'll contact him when i have the babies, or maybe i'll never talk to him again. i don't know what to do anymore.

hero's pov;
i'm in the bed that we used to share, i'm drunk. i'm on my second bottle of vodka, i feel so fucking numb. i did have a few one night stands with her but she caught feelings. i don't know why i did it to be quite honest but i regret it. i take a drink from the bottle and i put it back on the side - the world around me spins. i pull the duvet to my shoulders and sob. i miss adam, i miss jo.
i wonder if she's had the twins yet, i miss the way she used to complain about her back hurting or the way her bottom lip was bigger than her top when she woke up in the morning or how she would pick at her skin when she was nervous. i miss her body next to me in bed, i miss cuddling her, i miss talking to her bump like the twins could actually hear me. i miss my family. i want them back, i want jo to forgive me. but until she does i am a drunken mess.

josephines pov;
im in bed, adam is with hayden and josh doing god knows what. i feel a wet patch underneath my body and i move from where i am laying it's looks like pee but then i realise, my waters have broken. i want to cry, im not about to call hero and tell him - he can find out after i've had them, i don't want them anywhere near me. i call jack and he says he's on his way to take me to the hospital.
my mom is looking after adam, jack and liam are with me now. i'm in so much fucking pain, my whole body is hurting. i also need to remember that i need to push two babies out and that's not any better
"are you okay?" liam asks me
"liam does it look like i'm okay?"
jack chuckles and i give him a dirty look, he knows to stop laughing, he's holding my hand. liam looks scared which is funny.

this is not how it was supposed to be, it was supposed to be hero here with me.

one of the female nurses comes into the room and checks my dilation, last time she checked i was 7cm so i'm praying she says i can push.
"uhh" she says inspecting my vagina, i'm getting annoyed - can she fucking tell me before i push without permission.
"you can push" she finally says.

i push.
and push
and push.
i feel a release, and the room fills with the sound of cries.

"you need to keep pushing" one of the doctors tell me.
"jo you're amazing" jack says to me and i try and keep my mind off of this pain.
i push again, and i push.
and then i feel another release, the room soon fills with more wails of my newborn. the doctor gives one of my daughters to me, she's wrapped in a blanket and they clean my other daughter.

the doctor gives me my second daughter and finally, i have my daughters in my arms. i wish hero was here with me, he'd probably be upset because of sophia and i don't know. i just wish he could be here and we can just forget about everything that's happened.

jack and liam are holding my daughters, one is wrapped in a green blanket and the other in a pink. i can't tell the difference between them.
"have you thought of names?" jack asks me and i shake my head, hero and i left it so last minute - i wish we thought of it before because then even after what happened i could've used those names. i'm going to have to call him soon because he probably doesn't care but he deserves to know. i want adam to see him, i want to sort things out. i don't care now, i love him too much.

hero's pov;
i woke up with a banging headache but i took some advil this morning and i feel better, i got my hair cut this morning and i went home and changed into something decent. i spoke to adam, elizabeth let me speak to him and i missed his little voice so much. i also found out that jo has given birth.

i'm at the hospital now, i asked the reception desk where she was and they told me after i told them several times that i'm her husband - i'm not sure what we are anymore, i don't think we're together but at the end of the day - they're my daughters as much as they're josephines.

i take a deep breath and push the curtain to the side, i see jack, liam and josephine on the bed. jo has one of our daughters in her arms and the other in the plastic cot things.

"hi" i say, jo looks.. surprised i don't know if it's a good thing.
"they're both so beautiful" i say, picking up one of the twins from the cot thing.
jack looks at me with scowling eyes, liam doesn't even look at me. i regret it all, i shouldn't have hurt her because look at the life i have with jo - i have everything with her. i don't know why i wanted someone else, why i would ever fuck up whatever we had. i feel nauseous, i haven't seen her in ages.

"do you want us to go?" liam asks jo, she smiles at him and she nods. i feel a relief that she wants to talk.
jack and liam give jo a hug and then leave. -

leaving the two of us alone.

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