f o r t y - f o u r

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adam is at pre-school, hero dropped him off this morning whilst i got ready because we have a hospital appointment today.

i'm six months pregnant and today we are going to find out the gender of the baby. we're being careful because around this stage i gave birth to sophia and she died so i'm staying at home and stuff but not completely. it's christmas in two weeks, i'm so excited for that. then in january it's mine and hero's anniversary and then in february it's adams birthday and then we have the baby due in march. it's going to be such a busy few months, hero's getting off work from next week - he doesn't work much anyway but he's taking paternity leave and he's doing his annual leave as well so he can stay at home with me for a bit, he doesn't work everyday it's either massive shoots or he's filming for a new movie or a show or he's doing runway. i havent been to proper work since i had adam, i have had a few photoshoots and i've been in one movie but since adam i've been at home a lot which upsets me sometimes but hero and i spoke about it and we decided that i'm not going to work full time, i argued and argued with hero but then in the end he won, i mean he did have a point - like if hero isn't going to be here because he is working adam and the "rest of our children" when we ever have them will have me instead of having to burden my mom or his mom with the kids.

we're in the waiting room, seems like ages since we've been here. every scan appointment hero seems to make me nervous because he's nervous himself but i feel like this pregnancy has been okay, it's heart, growth etc is okay and i haven't been bleeding and it has been moving a lot. the room is full of pregnant ladies - there's some men sitting with the ladies. my heart aches for the women who have to go through a pregnancy on their own because i know hero is my rock. it reminded me of my mom when she was pregnant with hayden because i remember alexa always used to look after her and come to hospital appointments with her.

another lady just left the room, dr jeffery - whom is still there. he looks down at the clipboard,
"ms langford"
hero and i enter the room and he smiles at me, knowing i know the procedure. i lay down on the bed and lift my top up, hero sits down in the chair beside me.
"the gel is going to be a little cold" dr jeffery tells me and i nod.
i look up at the screen and it's our baby, i look back at the doctor and his eyebrows are furrowed.
"is there something wrong?" i ask the doctor
he looks like he needs to laugh, i look at hero confused.
"so the past few times someone has had a scan with you, they haven't said anything about twins?" he asks me

hero's eyes widen at the word "twins".
"no" i reply, confused
"congratulations you are pregnant with twins" dr jeffery says to me and my eyes widen.
hero looks shocked, i don't know how to feel - i'm scared now. i'm carrying two babies.
"babies are completely fine, nothing to worry about" the doctor explains to us
"the genders are visable, would you like to know?" he asks me.
i look at hero and he nods at me.
"you're having two girls" he tells us and a huge smile grows on my face.

we're in the car now and hero seems happy that we're having girls.
"we're having twins" i say excitedly, i always thought twins were cool and now we're having them - i must admit it's scary. two newborns but i think hero and i can do it.

"lets go and get adam and then we'll go and get food" hero tells me
it's 2pm and adam finished at half two so we will get there in time.

hero's pov;
"hi dad" adam says to me as i pick him up to hold him. his little legs must be tired, i hold his backpack in my other hand.
"how was your day?" i ask my son.
"it was very very good" he tells me
"i want to see momma"
"she's in the car" i tell him and he starts smiling.
we're going to tell him that jo is having two babies soon , maybe now i don't know.


"hi little man" jo says to our son as i drive to popeyes.
"momma did you go to the hospital today" adam asks jo and a smile grows on my face, whenever we go to the hospital for a scan - he loves seeing the scan photos. jo passes them to our son and he looks at them carefully.
"there's two in one picture" he observes
i chuckle at him because he's so adorable
"because there's two babies in mommy's tummy" i tell adam
"that's a lot" he says
"does that mean your tummy is going to get very big?" he asks
"yes" jo says in between giggles.
i love our little family.
"you're going to have two sisters" jo tells adam

"that's cool" he says, admiring the pictures.
god i love that boy.


we're home now, adam is in the bath - jo is bathing him because he didn't want me to, it's nearly 9 pm which is adams bed time. i open his drawer and take out a pair of pyjamas with dinosaurs on it. he comes out the bathroom and he has a towel wrapped around him, his towel has a hood and he looks so adorable. he smiles at me and his dimples are visible, he looks like me and jo in one person it's so scary but cute.

i change him into his pyjamas, moisturise him, comb his hair and he brushes his teeth himself - he doesn't need a nappy anymore which is good because we thought he'd need one for another few months but we potty trained him and now he's going to the actual toilet. i look up at the clock in his room and it's 9:15pm.
"adam bedtime" jo shouts and he goes into our room - i assume he said goodnight to jo and i was still sorting out his clothes for tomorrow so i am still in his room.
he comes into his room and hugs my leg.
"goodnight dad, i love you" he says to me before getting into bed.
i give him a hug
"i love you too"
i turn his night light on and close his bedroom door, as i do every night.

i walk down into the hallway and jo is changing her clothes, her bump is visible but it's not huge - you wouldn't expect twins to be in there. maybe they'll be small.
"hi baby" she says to me, pulling shorts on.
she doesn't put a top on and stays in her bra, which makes me smirk - she slaps me playfully because i'm staring at her boobs.
i take my t-shirt off and my shorts, i know it's the middle of december but our room gets really hot.

jo gets into bed beside me and her back is pressing on me.
"i love you baby daddy" she says to me laughing
"i love you too beautiful" i reply to her.

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