t h i r t y - f o u r

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josephines pov;
i think hero found my suicide note.
i know he did.
he wouldn't come to me crying like that for no reason, he was looking through old stuff and he found it. i mean he read it, i don't mind. i'm here now and i am so happy that i am here, i'm glad i didn't do it because i wouldn't be engaged to hero, i wouldn't have had adam, i wouldn't have a job - i wouldn't have a house of my own.
after my attempt five years ago, that was the end of it. i am three years clean from self harm - it's all down to hero. he helped me get out of the hell hole i was in and i'm so so grateful that he helped me.

adam is being fed by hero, i managed to pump some breast milk into four or five bottles so that should last maybe a day? or maybe by the night. i'll try and pump some more because it's better to be honest, i'll breast feed him sometimes but my boobs are too sore and he's still drinking breast milk.. just out of a bottle.

"i'm going to change his nappy" hero says to me, getting out of our bed.
i'm watching suits and eating m&ms, i think i need to stop watching it but i'm too addicted to stop now and i have nothing better to do with my life.

thirty minutes later, hero comes into my room without adam and i furrow my brows at him.
"adam is asleep, i burped him, bathed him, changed him and stuff and he was falling asleep when i took him after i took him out the bath" i smile at my fiancé, he's so good to me.
hero gets into bed next to me and rests his head on my chest.
"your boobs have gotten bigger" he observes
he puts his hand on my breast and massages it, slowly. i bite my lip at him and he smirks at me, he knows what he's doing.


we had sex.. again. we've been having sex at any chance we can get and to be honest, i'm not complaining because when i was pregnant we couldn't do much because of my bump.
"that was fun" hero says
"uhuh" i reply to him
"so you're saying you don't like my dick anymore"
i climb on top of hero and our faces are very close
"no.. i do" i tell him, smirking at him.
adam is still asleep, that boy can sleep for hours.
hero turns me over so i'm on the bed and he kisses my chest softly, my heart swells at the fact that he is so gentle with me.

i get out of bed and get a drink, hero joins me in the kitchen. i'm wearing hero's black t-shirt and it goes right above my thigh, you can kinda see my underwear but only hero is home and adam is a baby.  hero is shirtless but he has shorts on that are low on his waist, his v line is visable and i jump up and sit on the counter - hero's t-shirt goes higher than my thigh and hero walks over to the counter i am sitting on. he places his hand on my knees and moves them so he can stand in between my legs, his hands go from my knee to my inner thigh and he kisses my neck. and bang on, adam starts crying - i jump off the counter and hero sighs.

"our son is crying" i remind him
i go to his room and pick him up out of his crib and hold his small body in my arms - as he is in my arms, he gradually stops crying. i take him to the living room and sit on the sofa with him in my arms.

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