You/Azula - Handmaid

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Summary: Azula finds love in unexpected places. 

Azula clenched her jaw in anger as she failed to catch the Avatar yet again. If it hadn't been for her treacherous brother helping the Avatar, she would've caught him by now. She couldn't wait for the day that she finally catches the two of them and throw them deep inside the darkest prisons of the Fire Nation. 

As she walked through the palace halls, Azula couldn't' help but feel the anger slowly slip away from her as she watched the servants in the palace rush to get out of her way. They knew it wasn't a good idea to be caught when the princess was in a bad mood after her plans went up in flames. But what truly made her anger slip away was seeing you inside her chambers. She locked the door behind her, the sound of the lock making you look up to find that Azula had arrived. 

"Azula! You're home."

She gives you a warm smile and walks up to hug you, sighing in relief as she feels you wrap your arms around her body. You never failed to make her feel better after a failed mission. 

"I came as soon as I could. I hate being apart from you for too long."

You sigh as you let her go, gently pulling her towards the end of the bed. 

"I've offered to come with you but you refuse. I hate being apart from you too."

"You know that you can't come with me. Father will start asking questions why I'm suddenly demanding for a specific handmaiden to come with me on these missions."

"I know. I know. I really hate your father sometimes."

You froze, realizing that you had insulted the fire lord in front of his daughter. Azula was lenient with you but you had never insulted her father in her face. 

"Azula, I didn't..."

"Stop, I'm not angry with you for insulting my father. I know he's a terrible person and an even terrible father."

Azula, moves to lay down on the bed, patting the spot besides her so you could lay down besides her. You smile at her and move to lay down with her. 

"I can't wait for when I become Fire Lord. I won't have anyone telling me what to do and I'll finally be able to announce to the world that you'll share the throne with me."

"..Azula, you really mean that?"

"Of course, I love you and I won't have you being a position that is lesser than mine. I hate having to hide you. I love you and it kills me that I can't protect you from the peasants that have taken the liberty to make your life hell."

"It's fine, Azula. They're harmless."


She gently grips your chin and makes you turn around to face her. With her thumb, she wipes away at the makeup that you had used to hide away the bruise that they had given you just a day ago. Azula was furious but when she heard you whimper in pain, she calmed herself. It was practically know around the nations that Princess Azula liked causing others pain but no one knew that the last thing Azula wanted to do was hurt you, a handmaiden. 

"You'll get this checked out with the physician. He'll prescribe you something for the bruise."

"I can't. I'm not supposed to be able to afford one."

"Then I'll demand for him to give me something for you to put on your bruise. If not, I can always banish him from the fire nation and find someone else that won't ask any questions. 

"Azula, please don't go through that trouble. The bruise hardly hurts."

"Enough, I'm not going to argue about this. I'll get something for the bruise. Lets just enjoy our last few minutes together we have to go back to pretend that I'm just a princess and you're just another handmaiden."

She says sadly. You don't say anything as you let her pull you closer to her. It really sucked that the most the two of you could spend together was a few minutes but it was better than nothing. When Azula is crowned, things will change or the better. 

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