47. The Handle

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Percy woke up in a cold sweat. He looked around the room and to his left, clinging to him for dear life, his girlfriend Annabeth. She had nuzzled herself into his side. He doesn't remember going to sleep with her next to him but he definitely wasn't mad. He played with her curls until she 'accidentally' smacked him in the face.

"Ow." She just groaned and laid her head on his chest. He pulled her close and held onto her like if he let go she'd disappear.

"Can't— Breathe—" He loosened his grip and she wriggled out of his grip.

"Where are you going?"

"Athena cabin."

"Why?" He made his pouty face, even in the moonlit cabin she could see his watery seal eyes.

"I have too, the sun's gonna be up soon."

"Please stay a little longer?" She could hear the desperation in his voice, and crawled on top of him. "Thank you." He held her, locking his hands over the small of her back. She loved being in his arms, and washing
away in the smell of the ocean that he always seemed to radiate. She kissed his neck since it's as all she could reach, and when she felt his breathing even out she was able to get up, but something on his wall caught her eye.

Being a daughter of Athena, curiosity would always get the best of her. It was shiny and seemed to be a handle for something. As quietly as she could she pulled it. Nothing happened. She pulled harder and harder, until with one final yank she landed on her butt. What she was left looking at made her heart swell. It was a secret locker that Percy kept something from each of their quests.

From their first quest, a Waterland shirt. She remembers how terrified she was when those spiders came after them and she froze. She remembers how brave she thought Percy was, kicking the spiders, and smashing them so they didn't get to her. He didn't laugh at her either. He just dealt with them and didn't ask questions.

Their second quest: A snow globe from the princess andromeda. She remembers how terrified of Tyson she was, but he gained her trust just as Percy had. She remembers the sirens and Percy jumping in the water after her. Thats when she realized her feelings for him. As he let her cry into his shoulder, she had never felt safe during that whole quest except when she was in his first air bubble, in his arms. Sure it was musty, sure it was small, but it saved her life. Its what made her realize that he was something special, more than just the kid of the prophecy, he was somebody who could be trusted.

Third quest, she wasn't on, but he wasn't supposed to be of course. He had travled across the country for her. He risked everything to come save her. She had still been hung up on Luke, but he came for her, he saved her. He held up the sky for her, well Artemis, but its more romantic if they say he did it for her. When he told her that when he saw Aphrodite, he thought it was her for a second, she blushed profusely, part of her wonders if he was just saying that but why would he lie to her about that? He could have just said nothing. Its not like he had been trying to get in her pants, he already had her. The object he had from that one was a picture of them together with their matching gray streaks. She was so sad when they grew out. It had to happen when he was missing right? Just to further him from her.

Fourth quest, boy that one... that one was stressful. How was she supposed to not be mad at him!? He has the audacity to stay with Calypso for two weeks and then come back saying they needed Rachel of all people to help them. She was so mad. How could he not have seen how much she liked him? She had kissed him. She wouldn't of just kissed him because he was gonna die, that of course played a part but she couldn't let him die without at least doing that. He kept Moonlace from calypso's island at his apartment but here, he kept a feather from the wings they used to escape from Daedalus's workshop. She remembered how betrayed she felt by Quintus, when Juniper said he had escaped into the Labyrinth, of course she had no clue he was Daedalus. She remembers following that gods awful spider back to Haephustus, hearing Percy practically die. She sobbed the whole way back. She had thought that was really the last she would see of him. Gods did she hate Rachel.

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