21 ⦻ Time To Become a REAL NOODLE (Proxy)

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

I'm having a nice sleep when all of a sudden I'm being madly shaken awake like a sack of potatoes.

"S-SSTOOOOPPPPPPPPP!!!" I yell, starting to kick my legs at who ever was shaking me.

The shaking stops and I rapidly sit up in bed, looking to see Masky standing there along with Kate beside him.

"What..... what do you guys want? What time is it even?" I grumble, rubbing my eyes. "And whys Masky in here?"

"It's 4:30 AM, which means it's time for you to get up, " Masky spoke. "Your first few days training you're to get up at the same time, and soon it'll be the normal time which is 5:30."

4:30 in the morning?!

"Alright, I'm going back to school. At least I had to get up at 6AM and not the time I literally fall asleep," I groan, laying back down in Kate's bed and hiding under the covers.

Well Masky yanks the covers off and throws them off the bed, and then I'm left there hugging my self.

"What the fudge man!"

"You have to get up Walker, wether you like it or not! Don't make me get the boss..."

Geez, Masky's a bigger loser than the guy who invented homework.

I slowly sit up and glare at him with a tired expression.

Masky smiles, "don't you just look bright and peachy this morning. Hurry up, and get dressed, then meet us downstairs."

With that, he turns from the bed and walks out of the room. Kate silently waves at me before walking out of the room and closing the door.

I sigh and sit in bed for a while, trying to get out of the hazy state I was in, then I finally roll off the bed and walk over to Kate's closet where I had stuffed some clothes I got from Trender.

I pulled out (all the clothes that make up your your OCs Creepypasta outfit), and put them on.

Lastly, I grab the Zweihander and sash and carry them with me. I don't put them on cause since today is the day I start proxy training, I was finally going to get my own signature weapon.

I walk out of the room and see most Creepypastas doors were closed, meaning they were probably sleeping, and nocternals were out hunting.

Lucky bastards that get to sleep in. ):<

I still couldn't believe I had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning for who knows how long!

I stumble tiredly down the stairs and see the other proxies already down there.

Hoodie looks like he's making breakfast stuff, Toby is laying on the couch either sleeping or watching TV, I couldn't tell behind his facial gear, Kate was at the table typing on a laptop and Masky didn't seem to be anywhere.

Well, I knew right away what I was gonna do. I walked over to the couch where Toby was and sat down, preparing myself to lay back and fall asleep when Toby's hand suddenly slaps over my face.

"Don't even think about going back to s-sleep, Walker," Toby mused, turning his head to look at me.

"What? I thought you were asleep!?" I exclaim, grabbing his hand in surprise.

"I wish, but if M-Masky catches me sleeping I'm gonna ge-get it."

"Get what?"

"... Uhh... I don't kn-know. I kinda don't wanna know s-so I ain't sleeping."

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