51 ⦻ Beating Up Your Friends For Fun Cause You're Evil

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- - - SlenderMan's p. o. v. - - -

"Zalgo's back, bī̶̧͙͖̲̘tches!"

At the sudden outburst, I turn and see my proxy standing by the stairs with their arms outstretched.

I freeze up when I notice that besides their strange voice, their body looked completely corrupted with Zalgo's influence and there were these familiar looking tendrils waving behind their back.

The cube...

"(Y/N) finally hit their emo phase?" Glitchy Red joked aloud, seeming unalarmed unlike most the others that were in the living room. "You took the edge a bit to seriously, freak."

"I can go further, fReAk," (Y/N) responded, leering at Glitchy Red as their tendril's began to stretch from behind their back and travel towards the boy entity.

"(Y/N)! Enough!!" I shout, teleporting myself before Red before the tendrils could grab him and fending them off with my own. The other killers were stuck in a state of shock, seeing what (Y/N) has become and what they had just tried to do to one of our own.

"(Y/N), what happened to you????"

"What's going on..."

"Are you okay!???"

"(Y/N) NO!"

"Aw shit they're uglier than before now."

(Y/N) glared directly at me and began laughing when they saw my presence protecting Red. "Slendey! Are you jealous? You'll get your turn afterwards," They chuckled, pulling their tendrils back. "Come on, move aside, don't be shy."

"(Y/N). Cease this behavior at once. I know this isn't you, this is all Zalgo! Don't let him control you-fight him!"

(Y/N) blinked at me and slumped their shoulders, casting me an unamused expression, "Giving all the credit to Zalgo, really? I'm in control of my own actions ya bendy straw."

I look at them for a long while before sighing heavily and tightening my fists. They've been completely taken over, which means there's no use trying to get through to them. It's time for us to fight and bring them back.

"Gather, my killers. Prepare yourselves for engageme-."

"Creepypastas ASSEMBLE!!!" BEN shouted at the top of his lungs, jumping on top of the couch. I facepalm as the other killers hesitantly pull out their weapons and other means of assault and begin to advance around (Y/N).

- - - Third p. o. v. - - -

(Y/N) looked around, seeming gleeful despite being drastically outnumbered.

"Fantastic, really. 1 v all of you? Couldn't have asked for a better matchup," They said, their voice not once sounding phased by the situation. "You could always turn back and we wouldn't have to do this," Jane spoke up keeping her guard up with her fists, "otherwise, you're in for a real ass beating..."

"Shut up Jane, I've been waiting for a moment like this for a long time. Let's go all out, shall we, Walker~?" Jeff chuckled, looking more than ready to pounce at (Y/N) with his knife. "Don't. Encourage them!" SlenderMan fumed at Jeff, "this isn't a game!"

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