Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 7 - Dinner With Zalgo

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A/N lol.

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"Dinner time you ugly shits! We're having 'pasta', heh."

I ignore Zalgo's telepathic call as I sit in my room trying to teach Hobo Hearte how to play video games. Even Spyro was on the ground next to Hobo, nudging his arms trying to get him to hold the dumb controller correctly.

"I think... Volcano man is calling us..." Hobo murmured, sounding a bit unnerved by Zalgo.

I sigh while removing the controller from his head for the fifth time, "You can go if you want, but I'm staying here with Spyro."

"You don't wish to eat then?"

"I'll just eat later or something."

Clearly he's not very aware of Zalgo literally being our biggest enemy and all, but I can't blame him since he wasn't here the last time.

"I guess I'll go take part in the cannibalism," Hobo Hearte said casually, getting up in the floor and heading for the door. I stare at him with a utterly confused expression until I realized Zalgo said we were having 'pasta', and Hobo got confused.

I decided to stop being a wuss and just get up and join everyone else. I pick up Spyro cause he isn't that big and catch up with Hobo Hearte and go downstairs with him, yet I stay behind him the whole time.

I see everyone else filing into the living room, most all of them looking rather discouraged. It was strangely quiet, unlike what I'm used to when everyone rushes into the dining room for food. Everyone was giving each other awkward glances and quiet stares.

Zalgo was already at the table wearing Slender's cooking apron and smiled widely once he saw us all coming it. "Oh good, pastas, you're all just in time! Wonderful~."

The table was nicely set up like it was some sort of fancy restaurant.

"Who the fuck are you playing, Zalshit?" Jeff snarled, stepping up to a chair and glaring at the fancy plate of pasta before him. "Oh I'm not playing anything Jeffrey. Can't I make the place look nice for my new family?"

"We're not your family bruh," Vix snapped at him, "you literally used us and then killed us. You killed (Y/N)."

A wave of agreement broke out over everyone who was gathered. Zalgo rolled his eyes and waved his hand at us, "That was the past! Things are different now, really..."

"I agree!" Splendor spoke up clapping his hands together, "I think Zalgo is trying his hardest to be a good guy and I'm proud of him for doing that. I trust my Slendy-brother and if he thinks Zalgo is good enough to be here then I'm fine with that!"

"What do you not get about he killed (Y/N), Splendor Father!?" Judge Angels sneered, slamming her palm on the table. "That's enough guys. Let's just...relax and eat..." Jane sighed, slowly taking her seat. It was a moment of great hesitation before everyone copied Jane, gradually taking their seats in silence.

I was about to follow Hobo Hearte and sit next to him cause why not when someone's startled exclamation from behind me startled me.

I turned seeing Puppeteer standing at the entrance to the dining room staring at Zalgo with wide eyes wrought with disbelief.

...Well, this can't be good.

Zalgo glanced to him and grinned, "Oh good, Puppeteer. I finally get to see you. Come have a seat hm~?."

Dollmaker, who was next to Puppet looked at his friend nervously, "Eh....Puppet...teer...?"

"What's....he...doing here.............."

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