11 ⦻ You Try To Be Nice But You Piss Off Blue Mask Guy

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Chapter brought to you by this bipolar child

Chapter brought to you by this bipolar child

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- - - Your P.O.V - - -

After the tea party with Sally and Lost Silver, I decided to go off on my own and try meeting more Creepypastas.

As I was walking around, I caught sight of the big red husky that attacked me yesterday running up to me, panting. "Oh shit," I mumbled, reaching for Kate's knife that I still had on me.

The dog noticed me reaching for the knife and quickly stopped, raising its head to me, "I'm not here to cause any trouble! I apologize for yesterday, (Cp/N)!"

I flinched, forgetting that the dog could mindspeak like Slenders. I was on high alert, so I wasn't going to let down my guard to it just yet. "We had an interesting start, huh? What do you want?"

"I've just come to say I'm sorry for attacking you! I only did it out of instinct, to protect the residents of this mansion! I had no clue you were one of us...."

The dog then lowered its head and started to make low whining sounds. I glare at for a bit, then sigh and slowly put away my knife. "It's alright...I guess. What's your name again?"

"My names' Smile Dog! I'm called Smile jpg. as well, but you can call me Smile!" The dog responded, then raising its head again at me and panting. I smile a bit, watching him panting, and I think of how much I actually loved dogs. Despite the creepy face, Smile looked kind of adorable.

Smile noticed I still wasn't going to near him, so he instead padded up to me and ran his head under my hand, as if showing me he meant no harm. I grin and pet his head gently, and the dog then pants happily. "Thanks for trusting me, (Cp/N)! Now that we're friends, there's something important I must tell you..."

"Go for it," I respond, and Smile looked like was about to respond but he instead quickly turned when one of the Creepypastas had walked past him. It was Eyeless Jack who passed us, and when Smile saw him, he quickly lowered his head. I looked between the two in confusion and EJ glanced at us before heading towards the kitchen.

"...Sorry (Cp/N), maybe it's best I don't tell you now. The others wouldn't like to know that I shared their plans..."

Before I could respond, the dog quickly follows after EJ. Plans? What plans? If something was being planned and it had to do with me, I needed in right away. Especially if Smile said it was important. I quickly and curiously followed after the two.

Once I stepped into the kitchen, however, I froze, my eyes widening in-I dunno, terror? Disgust? Probably just both.

I see blood all over the counter and on the ground, and I see what looks like human kidneys set atop the counter amid all the blood. EJ was standing in front the counter frozen as he was seemingly about to eat the kidneys that were there, although he stopped when I walked in.

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