17 ⦻ Just Some Proxy Things

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It's the next morning Well, more like afternoon because I slept in past 12.

I slowly open my eyes and for some reason see BEN Drowned on the bed with a smirk.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare~" He snickered, his depression darkening.

I yawn and narrow my eyes at him, "Sorry, but I'm pretty sure my nightmares are at least over 5 feet tall, not a fucking shrimp. Nice try."

BEN's eyes widened, "... WHAT THE HELL DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!"

He then realised, "Wait, nevermind, don't answer that. Ugh..."

I grin and sat up while he hopped off my bed. "You know, usually I'M the one that wakes up at insanely late hours in the mansion, but who are you getting up at nearly 6 in the afternoon?"

"It's nearly 6?!" I choke, "that's too early!"

BEN rolled his eyes, "Shut up (Y/N), I was just kidding, it's 12."

For some reason I wasn't that mad with BEN like I should've been. I didn't fully forgive him, but at least he initiated an apology first, before the others. He seemed sincere enough.

I get out of bed and BEN notices I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"Why didn't you change? TrenderMan gives people pajamas to you know,"

"I know, I was just to tired to care."

I pull Kate's knife from her desk where it was still sitting and slide it to my pants. BEN frowns, "What do you need that for..?"

"Just in case," I respond. Before he could question me more, I head to open up the door of the room.

When I step into the hall, I run right into none other than Jeff The Killer.

- - - Jeff The Killer's P. O. V - - -

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" I snapped before knowing who even ran into me.

I turn around ready to bark at whoever when I see who it is.

It's the new boy... girl... whatever they are.

I wasn't sure how to look at them. Especially after yesterday.

They seem lost for a reaction at first when they see it's me, but then they begin to narrow their eyes at me.

Those eyes. It's coming back to me, the way they looked at me yesterday. I really sent them off the edge without expecting them to react.

For once in my life at the mansion, I actually felt in danger. They had the kind of stare that made you feel you were living in your very last moments on this earth.

Scary... Yet interesting. But I didn't want them to know I actually thought something of them. I can't let them see I was really curious about them. Not yet.

Their silence and their stare was getting to me, so I tried to break the very thin ice we were both standing on.

"Well? What are you staring at?" I scoffed.

"Trash," (Y/N) responded, still eyeing me down, "looks like someone forgot to take it out."

This little shit would really know how to piss me off if I weren't currently more amused with what they said than mad.

"Looks like someone's still mad about getting fucked over by their superiors. Twice, " I grinned.

BEN appears from behind (Y/N) and shakes his head at me. "Guys... No arguing. W-We're not messing with (Y/N) anymore, remember?"

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