6 ⦻ The Reason Why Spookystickman Kidnapped You

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- - - Your P. O. V. - - -

I looked around Slender Man's office in awe as he, the butler, and I entered it together.

The office was pretty big, and there were huge shelves of books on each wall of the room. There papers stacked neatly almost everywhere, and a enormous map of the world on the back wall behind his huge desk.

There were pinned areas on the map that I saw in places all around the world, and it intrigued me as to why the pins were there. Maybe those were The Slender Man's targets, who knows.

"Sit, Walker," Slender Man told me as he took a seat behind his desk on his chair. Tender Man simply stood beside where Slender sat, and I took my place in the chair, resting my arms on the chair arms and looking at the two with a smirk. I don't know why and I can't help it, but something about these slender beings just makes me want to burst out laughing. Maybe because they were super skinny and tall, or maybe it was because they lacked a face. Or maybe it was just because they were bald.

I mean, the absolute snort that I snooted—the unholy noise that I nointed back out in those woods when I was over the initial shocked phase and was able to fully grasp the eggs-tremity of Slender's featureless cranium was—

"(Cp/N), I know what you're thinking and I'm not amused."

...Shit, I forgot he could read minds again...

"Err...so why am I here?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Slender Man somehow cleared his throat and replied, "To tell the truth, you were initially a target of mine, specifically to Masky, which you did not know."

Oh. No wonder that guy Masky probably dislikes me.

"However," Slender continued, "I've been looking for a new pasta for a while-someone that would be my last and final proxy. Compared to my other targets, I decided you were the most compatible for use and so I revoked Masky's mission to annihilate you and came to you myself to bring you here."

"Thanks for sparing my life, I guess," I say, "but what makes me so worthy to be chosen? I was just a normal idiot on an average day skipping school. There's nothing that makes me stand out, really."

"In your eyes, that may be so," Slender Man sighed, "but overall, I see you as the perfect one for the job. My proxies will teach and train you so that you will become just as good as them. And you know nothing about the ways of a proxy now, but they will be sure to show and guide you."

"That...sounds good," I reply, "but I've got a big question for you. What about my family? Are they going to be...notified or anything about all of this or no?"

"Of course not! This is your new, permanent home. Your past life has ties to you no more-your parents will just have to suffer and deal with their 'loss'."

"So I'm just going to be a missing case forever then. Cool, cool."

Oh no, it was not cool. I was still kinda pissed with this stick-man for just plucking me out of my house the way he did. I might've been an annoying shit and all to my parents, but I still cared about them. I still loved them. Now all of a sudden, in just a few hours my life has been turned around, and I'm being told I'll never see my family again.

I thought of how much despair my parents would be in to find that I was gone. That I disappeared without a word or trace. How could I just let this happen?

Well, I guess I didn't have a choice-I was being recruited by murderers.

"Now that you are here, you will need to grow up. You already see things are progressing rapidly, and you will have to keep up in order to adjust to your new life here," Slender Man said, standing from his chair.

"It's up to you, (Cp/N), or should I say (Y/N) to make your life here enjoyable and worth living. Push away the past and focus on what comes next."

Tender Man nodded to this and added, "What my dear Master says is true. I'm sure you'll learn to like it here as we've seen the others when they came to the mansion in time."

I reminisce for little bit on the times I've had with my family. I truly was going to miss them, especially since I didn't even get a proper goodbye.

But now, a new life has been laid out before me. I'll just have to be strong and walk hopefully to a new future. My parents always told me change is imminent, always lingering and could occur at any moment.

This was the most bizarre as fuck of a change if I could've seen one, but so far it really wasn't that bad.

Some of the pastas I've met seemed okay so far, like Kate, Toby, and Sally. The mansion looked like a really neat place to stay, and I got to live with a bunch of misfits and weirdos like me.

I look up after thinking for a while and cast my gaze upon the slenders, a new settled expression on my face. "Thanks," I say, slightly smiling at them, "for choosing me to be here and sparing my life. I'm sure I can get used this place after some time, and I'll try and accept the new changes."

Slender Man slightly nods his head, and Tender Man bows for some reason. "We are glad to have you here, (Cp/N). Now, your training days to advance through the ranks of a proxy will come eventually. For the time being, I want you to make yourself at home and witness how the others live their lives here."

"Alright Gen Spaghet-I mean Master-??."

I didn't know what else to call him, and it seemed like everyone else was calling his Master so I guess it's what he wants to hear?

Slender Man sighed, then muttered, "Call me as you wish, but don't push it."

I then grin and chuckle, "the movement of your tendrils and the way they look remind me of spaghetti, and the way your whole system with the proxies work reminds me of you being a military leader and them being your soldiers. Hence, I call you General Spaghetti."

"Sadly, it's not the worst nickname I've been given.... Now Tender, would you be so kind as to lead (Y/N) back to where he others are? I'm sure they'd rather spend their day doing other things than speaking to me,"  Slender asked the butler, and Tender rapidly nodded, quickly moving away from his chair and heading for the door.

"Come along, this way Sire (Y/N)," He bid me to follow, and so I got up from the chair I sat in, giving Slender Man one last glance before hurrying behind Tender.

Tender Man led me out of the strange hall and back into the main room where a lot of the pastas now were watching TV and doing other things.

"Enjoy your time, Sire/Madame," Tender told me before turning to leave me behind. "Thanks!" I reply, and watch him as he returns to the Hall. He was tall...wore a black suit... and he was a butler...it was close enough. I decided I was gonna call Tender Man, Sebastian.

I turn back and was just about to head for the couch since I saw Chaser and Toby sitting there when a hand suddenly grabs my arm and begins pulling me in direction of the stairs. "H-WHat?"

I quickly turn and see KageKao is the one who took ahold of me and was taking me elsewhere without my consent. "KageKao, I remember your name? Where are we going?" I ask him.

KageKao turned to me as he dragged me along and a dark, creepy smirk formed on his mask, making me a tad bit uncomfortable. But when he replied with his answer, my discomfort was immediately drained away and I suddenly felt kind of excited.

"We're gonna spend a little time together, shiriai! What do you say to some anime?"

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