5 ⦻ Small Talk

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- - - Your P. O. V - - -

"(Cp/N), please stop calling me General Spaghetti."

A grin forms on my face when I see The Slender Man approaching me with some other tall faceless slender being. Slender's aura shows that he's irritated by my playful nickname for him. "Fine, I'll stop. But I was really starting to warm up to it."

"General Spaghetti!?" I heard Ticci-Toby suddenly scoff from the couch, and I turned to see him snickering behind his facial gear. "(CP/N), that's hilarious!"

"Enough with the foolish name! I am Slender Man and that is final," Slender Man sighed.

- - - The Slender Man's P . O. V - - -

I was afraid of (Cp/N) being prone to turning out like the other fools in my manor, but there was just too much potential in them for me to discard them. I guess I wouldn't mind if they were a headache, because in the end, I only needed their undying loyalty and their allegiance. To be truthful, I didn't care what they called me.

"Sir, who are they, exactly?" My servant, Tender Man suddenly spoke up from beside me, and I sigh not very willing to go through yet another introduction with another person. "The Vagabond Walker, also known as (Cp/N). They are going to become my new proxy and live with us," I reply in short. "May we welcome them properly then?" Tender asked, and I nod my head. I then turn to (Cp/N) and motion with my finger for them to come up to us. The young mortal immediately stepped over.

"Laki. Introduce yourself," I ordered Tender Man. (Cp/N) glanced at Tender and he quickly bowed, "Tender Man, it is. Nice to meet you, Master (Cp/N)."

(Cp/N) slightly nodded their head, then responded, "Actually, I don't mind if you use my real name, (Y/N)."

Tender Man dipped his head and then I turned their attention to me.

"How is your affirmation into the mansion? Has The Chaser taken you along well?" I asked, facing both (CP/N) and Kate. (Cp/N) nodded and responded, "She showed me everywhere I needed to know in the mansion, and I've met some of the other killers, but on my own."

"How do you like it here so far?"

(Cp/N) looked down at the ground for a moment before giving a slight shrug of their shoulders. "It's fine, besides the fact that this big red husky nearly tore my arm off, some freakish clown pulled candy out of their guts and tried to give it to me, and your clock-eyed freak is trying to get people to avoid me."

It was then that I noticed (Cp/N)'s bandaged arm and I growled darkly. "Smile Dog was responsible for this? Or did another Creepypasta order him to attack (CP/N)?"

"No one told him to, Master," Kate spoke up. "And I...tried my best to stop him. Smile was only trying to keep everyone safe, thinking (Cp/N) was an intruder."

I sigh, shaking my head and mumble, "This is why I can never leave a newbie to you imbeciles...thank you Chaser for at least looking out for The Walker."

Kate nodded and then nudged (Cp/N) lightly in the shoulder.. It looked to me like those two could become good friends. That would perhaps make their training a lot easier than normal.

"I'm glad you two seem to be getting along well," I say, looking between Kate and (Y/N), "I hope I can see the same enthusiasm towards our newcomer from everyone else here-especially you three, Hoodie, Masky, Toby."

"Don't worry about me on that, boss," Toby mused lightly, "I think I like them already."

"I accept whatever you want us to do, Sir," Hoodie added. I turn to Masky, but he's busy pretending he's not listening to me. I honestly can't be upset with him-he always does exactly whatever I tell him and he does his duties efficiently. I can hear through his thoughts that he isn't too supportive of my choice to recruit a new proxy, but that will be his pitiful disapproval kept to himself.

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